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Could you give me breakfast recipes that are egg/gluten/casein/dairy free?

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I don't have any recipes, but I can tell you what my son eats for breakfast:


Millet puffs - it is cereal, kinda like Rice Krispies I guess.


Coconut yogurt. He can only have chocolate or plain, the others have ingredients he can't have.


Van's G/F waffles: the apple version has cinnamon, but the plain does not. Be careful, they have regular waffles and products, too. Found in the natural food freezer section at my Kroger.


G/F oats (ds can't eat them anymore, but when he could have oats, he ate these alot. I think they are Bob's Red Mill G/F oatmeal.


Bob's red mill makes lots of G/F flours and mixes. I think they sell a pancake mix.


For butter, we use BestLife. There is also Earth Balance, and our newest one is Coconut oil "butter". I cannot remember the brand, but it is really good, way better than the first to, IMO! If you are interested, I'll get the name for you.

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Nature's Path cereals (including their Envirokidz line) are mostly all gluten/dairy/egg free. I eat mine with Silk almond or coconut milk. (my fave are Mesa Sunrise and Amazon Frosted Flakes, but I'm 40-something ;))


I second the Van's waffles, and the NP Mesa Sunrise waffles are good. Food For Life GF multi-seed English muffins are awesome (others I've tried fell way short of the English muffin mark)

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I have a friend who has a gluten, egg, and dairy allergy. There are lots of cereals out there that are gluten free - you might have to shop exclusively down the "organic" aisle of the grocery store. You can buy bread mixes and a bread machine and make your own gluten free bread - she does this, as the bread is much better that way than buying it from the grocery store. So gluten free bread with almond butter or margarine and jam with fruit is an okay breakfast, too. Bacon and gluten free bread. Grits and fruit.


Some people don't know that oatmeal can cause a problem for people with a wheat allergy because oatmeal is contaminated by wheat in the field. If you want to eat oatmeal you will have to search for the kind that is certified wheat free.


And whoever said that chicken and vegetables or a hamburger on wheat free bread is not a breakfast food?


A lot of people now have been diagnosed with a wheat allergy and there is so much on the market now.

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Are these actual allergies or food intolerances? If allergies to that many foods be very careful with your gluten free selections. Almost all gluten free prepared products, including (almost if not) all listed in this thread, contain or are produced on equipment with tree nuts and/or sesame which are potent allergens. Gluten free flours (like Rob's Red Mill) and hot cereal gluten free products are often to almost always contaminated with tree nut as well. My son developed an anaphylactic allergy to tree nuts via cross exposure in gluten free products. He had never eaten an actual tree nut directly. If that isn't a concern for you you have a lot more options.


We think outside of "breakfast foods' for breakfast here.


If you want prepared things safe for those allergens (watch cinnamon though....my son has cinnamon too and it can be an issue with otherwise safe stuff) look into Enjoy Life foods. My son eats their Perky Rice cereal...no cinnamon, your other allergens, or tree nut contamination in that prepared gluten free thing or any of the rest of their products (except watch cinnamon).


No Nuttin foods makes safe for all those allergens granola that is pricey but very good. There is cinnamon in some things. My son likes their vanilla clusters and it's cinnamon free. I imagine their chocolate chip and etc. are also cinnamon free.


My son has a little different allergy profile but his breakfasts often include things like chicken or guacamole (we make teff crackers for that) that aren't particularly breakfast like. He always has a smoothie for breakfast. He eats Sunbutter as an alternative to peanut and nuts.


If you aren't sure these are allergies I'd consider some rotation diet or food trials to pinpoint which are true issues. Allergy tests have a really high false positive rate and those restrictions are very limiting--particular in getting protein (unless he's a good meat eater...fortunately my allergic son is) and if you don't want heavy exposure to nuts.

Edited by sbgrace
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We do a lot of fruit smoothies. Add a few chia seeds and they can be pretty filling. We also make coconut milk smoothies. One of our favorites is coconut milk, almond butter, cocoa powder, ice, some dates or bananas, and a few chia seeds- this keep me full for hours! Also, websites like Lexie's Kitchen and Spunky Coconut should have some recipes you can use. There is an egg free bagel recipe on Spunky Coconut that we use a lot (it is also gluten/casein/refined sugar free).

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Gluten free turkey sausage patties, either homemade or purchased. (We usually buy Applegate brand).


It's common in many cultures to have soup for breakfast so we often do that, just toss some veggies and meat into a pot.


Gluten free breakfast cereals with homemade almond milk or coconut milk.


Gluten free oatmeal made with water, coconut milk, or almond milk. (Oats are naturally gluten free but are often grown next to gluten crops so be careful. We've had the best luck with Trader Joe's gluten free oatmeal, which is grown in Canada away from gluten crops.


Rice porridge. Sometimes it's better to eat white rice instead of brown if you can't be sure it was grown away from gluten crops. Mix rice with veggies or fruit.


Smoothies with fruit and almond or coconut milk. Add a bit of honey if the fruit isn't sweet.


Coconut cream (not milk) whipped and eaten with berries.


Nut butter on veggies or fruit, or spread on gluten free bread or crackers.

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