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Do you think this was a bad reaction to Celexa?

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I was prescribed Celexa by my Psychiatrist yesterday, and took it for the first time last night at 7 with my other meds. I woke up at 2am feeling a little queasy and it was hard for me to go back to sleep. At 2:30, it turned into full blown (no-pun intended) wanting to vomit nausea. Then four times last night, when the nausea got to its peak, I had to have a BM. No cramps or anything, just the urge.


I went, and felt mostly better with some queasyness and then the nausea would come back full force. This happened until 5am when I finally drifted off to sleep. I had to miss my first CC class, but have to go to my second because of an exam. I feel queasy still, and my stomach feels fragile. You know, like after a bug. I ate a banana and it's okay right now.


All yesterday (before I took Celexa) I felt icky. I attributed it to my allergies (headache, congestion) and it mostly went away before I went to bed at 9pm.


I don't think they're linked, because I've never had that severe nausea for 3 hours from post-nasal drip. Plus, the BMs relieved the nausea for a few minutes, which doesn't say post-nasal drippy to me.


I don't want to call my Psych to discontinue Celexa if it wasn't the cause, but I don't know what the cause is and I am NOT up for another night of that.




ETA: I understand nausea and GI issues are common with new meds, but I don't want to continue to see if they will decrease. Last night was horrid. I'm used to nausea because of my GERD, but I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die last night. It was constant, strong nausea. Shaky when I stood and sat, heart beating fast, excess saliva.

Edited by BeatleMania
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It may or may not be. What's your dosage? Are they ramping you up slowly? Usually side effects like that go away after the first few days. The first day I was on Lexapro (Celexa's newer twin), I thought I was going to die. After that, I had headaches and trouble sleeping for a few days ... since then, it's been smooth sailing, except for when I tried to bump up to the recommended maintenance dose. That made me sick, so I rolled back to the intro dose, and here I will stay unless it stops working.


ETA: Just read your edit. I'd be a lot more concerned about the rapid heart rate. Celexa can cause tachycardia. Call your doctor for sure.

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Honestly, in your position, I would not take it due to the rapid heart rate. Don't mess with your ticker. You might want to ask your doctor about Lexapro. It's very nearly the same drug, but you can take less of it and it normally has less severe side effects.

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I think the rapid heart rate was from the fear of vomiting. It was ridiculously rapid, but I could feel it pounding more. Like it was more pronounced, like an adrenaline rush. That was mostly during the peak of nausea where I thought I would vomit.


I'll leave her a message and see what she thinks. It'd be nice if I could get a Zofran prescription. I could have sworn that Zofran was over the counter now, but I guess not.

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She called me back and told me to try it in the morning and cut it in half so it is 5 mg instead of 10 mg. After 4 days, up to 10 mg and then eventually 15 and then 20.


I feel a bit nauseous today, but I can function and just hope it passes before finals start next Thursday! I also have my driving test today :banghead:

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She called me back and told me to try it in the morning and cut it in half so it is 5 mg instead of 10 mg. After 4 days, up to 10 mg and then eventually 15 and then 20.


I feel a bit nauseous today, but I can function and just hope it passes before finals start next Thursday! I also have my driving test today :banghead:


Would it be possible to hold off on starting until after your exams? Celexa can also affect sleep to a huge degree.

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Celexa can also affect sleep to a huge degree.


In what way? My dr. gave me a prescription for Celexa a couple days ago, but I'm debating whether or not I want to fill it. I'd hate to take something that would make my sleep-deprivation worse.

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In what way? My dr. gave me a prescription for Celexa a couple days ago, but I'm debating whether or not I want to fill it. I'd hate to take something that would make my sleep-deprivation worse.


It can make it so you can't sleep at all for weeks.


At least that's what it did to me. So I went off it and I will never use anything like it again after that experience!


OTOH, my son took it and did just fine.

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