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Teacher's Lounge 4-30-2012

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What are you chowing down on today?

I need to get my pot roast in the dutch oven so I'll have roast with potatoes for dinner.


What are you doing?

I'm working hard today. I also need to educate youngest dd. This afternoon is cello then tap dancing.


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?

I had 1 tulip that bloomed but is spent. I don't think the dandelions count. The apples have bloomed and gone. May is really too early for flowers here despite the unseasonably warm temperatures. That is all a long way to say, "Nope, nothing is blooming."

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What are you chowing down on today?

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 4 oz. green smoothie, lite Eng. muffin, p.b.


Lunch - salad with protein


Afternoon snack - something with no carbs! I need to plan this. . .


Dinner - shrimp scampi and angel hair pasta courtesy of dd10 who is cooking tonight!


What are you doing?


Math/science tutor comes any minute. Other than that, there is cleaning, cooking, schooling, calling and paying (bills).


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?


Tulips, and the forsithia.

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What are you chowing down on today?

I desperately need to go to the grocery store this afternoon. I had multigrain cheerios for breakfast, with the last splash of milk. The kids had various breakfast items (cereal, pancakes or waffles). The kids had sandwiches and apples for lunch. I haven't had lunch yet. I think we're having shrimp, pasta, and salad for dinner.


What are you doing?

Trying to maintain my sanity. Seriously, everyone is driving me up the wall today. I think I might need a vacation....or at the very least, some chocolate!

Three kids had dentist appointments this morning at 9am. ICK! We finally got home at 11am. We're playing "catch-up" after a busy weekend. I've done 4 loads of laundry. The kids have emptied and reloaded the dishwasher and washed the pots from last night. D8 is getting caught up on piano practice. DD14 is finishing her very last Geometry lesson!! YAY! DS just needs to finish his FLL this afternoon with me. Tomorrow we start our end-of-year standardized testing (state requirement). We hope to finish that on Thursday.


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?

No garden for us this year....it was just too overwhelming for me to undertake! I do have some planter boxes on our porch. I hope to get flowers planted in there by next weekend.

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Good afternoon!


What are you chowing down on today? We had sausage kolaches for breakfast, grilled cheese sandwiches and strawberries for lunch and will probably have spaghetti for dinner


What are you doing?Trying to finish up some school. We are so close to finishing up for the year! At the moment ds1 and I are watching an episode of Psych. Ds2 is down for a nap


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?I have 2 rose bushes--a Julia Child(yellow) and a Memorial Day(pink). They have both been blooming for several weeks now.

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Good morning on this last April morning.


What are you chowing down on today?


Good day to you, too!


We ate the usual stuff for breakfast (oatmeal, hash brown patties, toast, fruit smoothies, etc.). I had leftover Mexican food for lunch, and I think my son had some pasta. My daughter didn't eat breakfast until 11:00 and hasn't gotten around to lunch yet.


My son won't be home for dinner, but it's looking like corn on the cob (because my husband and I hit the farmers' market yesterday), tomato and onion salad and either baked potatoes or garlic bread. My husband will probably have some of the fancy-schmanzy cheese he bought yesterday, and I'll make my daughter drink some soy milk.


What are you doing?


I'm spending much of my energy today sitting on my son until he finishes the stupid Spanish class he's been dragging his feet on all year. Once he gets through that and some math, I'll help him pack up dinner and snacks so he can go spend the rest of the afternoon helping build and paint sets for the show he's opening this coming weekend. He'll help with the set, take a break for dinner and then go directly into a tech rehearsal.


I plan to drop him and come home to feed everyone else dinner. Then, my daughter has a ticket to see a show tonight. So, I'll drop her at the theatre before heading out to collect her brother.


Oh yeah, and I'm doing laundry.


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?


We don't have a garden. I am enjoying watching the milkweed out my front window, though, because it draws butterflies from far and near.

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What are you chowing down on today?

Breakfast -- coffee and honeybun

Lunch -- cottage cheese & peaches for me, kiddos had ravaloi

Supper -- not a clue yet


What are you doing? school, general picking up after the weekend, trying to go thru and toss stuff


Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May? Have 1 big rose bush that is full of blooms.

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