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If you've read any of my posts on here, you know our trouble with math this year. DS is 8th grade, started out doing Saxon 87 (where he placed) He has really grown to HATE it and I strongly dislike it. There for a bit the first of the year we stopped Saxon and went back some to see if we were missing some basic math......he did fine and I realized more than anything it's just that Saxon math is not a good fit for ds. Here we are going into 9th grade next year....not really knowing where he will place....will it be pre-algebra or algebra?


My biggest dilemma is what to do to finish out this year???? I would LOVE to drop Saxon because I feel like it's a waste..... we aren't going to finish it anytime soon (3/4 done) and he's getting only about 70% on the mixed practice for a lot of the lessons.


I want him to continue to work on math til June and then some this summer although not a full blown curriculum. I can put some things together myself (Khan academy ?) but I don't know where to start?????



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I'd grab Lial's BCM and have him start with the chapter tests to see what he hasn't covered. When finished he can move onto algebra one (called Introductory Algebra if you want to stick with Lial). If you look for an older edition they're pretty inexpensive on Amazon.


My ds who couldn't handle a Saxon book if he had to has done well with Lial's. It breaks the steps down clearly, offers plenty of practice, and focuses on one topic at a time.

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If you've read any of my posts on here, you know our trouble with math this year. DS is 8th grade, started out doing Saxon 87 (where he placed) ... Here we are going into 9th grade next year....not really knowing where he will place....will it be pre-algebra or algebra?


My biggest dilemma is what to do to finish out this year???? I would LOVE to drop Saxon because I feel like it's a waste..... we aren't going to finish it anytime soon (3/4 done) and he's getting only about 70% on the mixed practice for a lot of the lessons.


I want him to continue to work on math til June and then some this summer although not a full blown curriculum. I can put some things together myself (Khan academy ?) but I don't know where to start?????




First of all, Saxon 8/7 includes Pre-Algebra so there should be no need to repeat it unless he is struggling and not getting the concepts and hasn't mastered basic math. His next step after completing 8/7 level would be to move on to Algebra I.


I wonder if you couldn't have him finish 8/7, but don't do all of the mixed practice. Instead have him focus on the lesson practice and the tests. As long as he passes the tests with 80% or above he could move on. You may also want to supplement with Khan Academy for review and reinforcement, and then keep him going at least part time over the summer with that. My guess is that if you were able to finish off 8th grade successfully by doing this, you could then place him in another program for Algebra I next year, perhaps even using the video tutor program that was pointed out to you currently on sale with Homeschool Co-op.


Personally, I feel that anytime we've dropped something and don't complete the year it leaves us feeling like we failed. If I were in the same situation as you, I'd probably modify (as described) but persevere to the end and complete it. That way he'd get the most he can out of what he's been doing and have a good feeling about finishing what he started - even though he wasn't particularly fond of it. He'd then be ready to start with a different program for 9th grade.




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