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Another WWE question....


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I just started using WWE1 with my almost 6 yr old (in June). My plan is to stretch out each week into two weeks and actually read the books that the passages are taken out of.


Does this sound doable?


I am wondering if anyone else has done this and if so, how did it work for you?

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I'll be glad to hear BTDT advice, because I've been debating about doing this myself.


My twins just turned 5, though. I thought I'd start now by reading some of the easier books on the list, without worrying about the order outlined in WWE. Depending on their maturity level, I might start WWE in 6 to 12 months and take it slowly, like you described.


I've been anxious to get them going, but several people have commented that WWE ramps up pretty quickly a couple years down the road (even for accelerated learners), so it doesn't do much good to start very early.

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I think that is a great idea and it will probably work quite well. We had already read many of the selections and the ones we have not read yet are first on my list of books I want to read aloud.


My sons always love the weeks when we are working with a passage from one of the books we have already read.

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Read ALL the books? No, I don't think that is doable unless you are some kind of speed reader who reads for multiple hours aloud a day. Read some of the books? Completely possible.


Many of the passages are taken from long chapter books that would be a serious push to read in 2 weeks (Wind in the Willows). Ds picked a few of the weeks that were his favorites and we put those on the read aloud list (Happy Hollisters and How to Eat Fried Worms come to mind).

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I asked this questions when we first started too :) I don't think it's doable. Many of the passages from chapter books that would take a couple of weeks to read unless you're reading several chapters a day. That being said, the list of books used in the WWE series is an excellent list to refer to when you want to find quality read-alouds. And we've come across some that my kids ask to read more of--Socks by Beverly Cleary was one that just popped up this week.

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Ds picked a few of the weeks that were his favorites and we put those on the read aloud list (Happy Hollisters and How to Eat Fried Worms come to mind).


This made me chuckle. I couldn't even read the passages from the HTEFW week. Seriously, I started dry heaving, told my daughter to forget it and moved on to the next week :lol:

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I think if you just start reading one, about a chapter a day, you wouldn't be able to get through them fast enough. Some of those books are stinkers and you may not even want to touch them after reading the passages. That being said, we have found so many books that we want to read, and they are in our to be read pile now. We are soon reading The Plant That Ate Dirty Socks and we want to dig into How To Eat Fried Worms too! In WWE2, there are more history selections, and I don't think you'd want to read those.


So if you pick a few and work through it that way, you could. You could also look at the WWE workbook, see what they are highlighting that week (quotes, conjunctions, etc.) and use passages from the book you are reading. Just a few suggestions! :001_smile:

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I wanted to do something like this for our school year, and I asked a similar question a week or so ago (but I remember getting more "yes, you can do it" answers, haha).


What I decided to do is to start reading those books NOW and just be ahead of the game. Ideally, we'd be reading the selection WHILE we were doing the work...but I figured just reading them ahead of schedule is better than nothing. At least then, the passages are still familiar and not random.

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