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Who are your favorite FEMALE authors?

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Futuristic suspense with heavy romance component:


J.D. Robb's '... in death' series



Urban fantasy:


Patricia Briggs

Ilona Andrews

C.E. Murphy



Historical romance:


Jo Goodman

Joanne Bourne

Lisa Kleypas

Mary Jo Putney

Loretta Chase

Julia Quinn

Laura Kinsale

Elizabeth Hoyt

Julie Anne Long




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I think Isabel Allende would be super. It's quality literature, but it's not generally depressing either. Some great stories!



Isabel Allende

My favorite female author ever. :D I've read and loved all of her books, but her best by far, and the one to start with is House of Spirits.


Um, JK Rowling.

Yes. :)


Maeve Binchy

Love her also. :D


Others that I have loved:

Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg and most of her books - very sweet and light - and quite funny

Funny in Farsi by Firoozeh Dumas if you need a nice laugh as well as her other book Laughing without an Accent

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Dorothy Sayers. Lord Peter Wimsey series is terrific. The 9 Bells is brilliant. Can't wait to delve into Gaudy Night. LOVE, love love her writing.

mixed feelings about Piccolt- easy reads about current issue topics, don't love her style.

Francine Rivers- Mark of the Lion series, The Last Sin Eater

Anne Lamott- an edgy gutter mouth but terrific wordsmith, tackles current issues

Nyquist- another great wordsmith but content-lite.

Madeline L'Engle -always learn a TON of new words when I read L'Engle. Some of it's simple, some deep.

Oh- LOVED Habibi by Nye- YA. Nye is a poet and it shows- her writing is lovely.

Read my first LeGuin this year: Left Hand of Darkness- wowza. Amazing paradigm puzzle. I found LeGuin to be kind of hard to "get in to" but once I did I really loved her style/topic/ writing.

Edited by laughing lioness
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Sara Donati – Wilderness Series – historical fiction – starts in the late 1700’s.

Jodi Picoult – Some of my favorite books of hers – Handle with Care, Plain Truth, My Sister’s Keeper (so much better than the movie), House Rules

Jane Kirkpatrick

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I love Debora Geary, she had a great series of novels about modern witches, it is a fairly light read which is nice after just having a baby, but the writing is great and the story is very engaging.


I also love Patricia Briggs, Illona Andrews, Thea Harrison and Jeaniene Frost all are urban fantasy. I also really enjoy Nalini Singh who has a similar style to the above authors.

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