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Ooooh, the new Biblioplan looks nice!


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I hadn't been over there in awhile but years 1 and 2 are updated nicely, including readings from MOH, really nice Knowledge Quest maps with instructions that go with it, and timeline figures and coloring pages. It looks really good! We did BP 2 this past year (the old version) and we LOVED their book suggestions. Now with the updates it almost looks like a (very, very) light version of TOG!


Now does anyone know when the updated third and fourth volumes will be ready? I wonder if the last two volumes of MOH being planned to take 2-3 more years each to come out will hold it up or if they'll just go forward without it? I did notice on the Biblioplan site that it said the timeline figures for volumes 3 and 4 would be ready by summer 2008.

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I really love it for the price. I've looked at TOG so many times. It just looks a little overwhelming to me. Biblioplan has been a perfect fit. I pair it with the Art/Music from Harmony Fine Arts and it works out pretty well. We also use the SOTW activity guide and some other things to add some hands-on activities for my very tactile learner.


Honestly, with TOG, Sonlight, and most of the literature unit studies I've looked at the reading list is VERY similar so I figured I couldn't really go wrong.


Oh the joys of loving curriculum. :)


Happy Homeschooling,



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I just ordered Year 1 on Friday and I am so excited! It took me a really long time to decide on a history curriculum. I researched (and prayed) for 2 months. I especially love that they have added MOH to the schedule too. We will be using the SOTW AG along with it also. I still would love to do TOG, but I just don't think I'm ready for it yet. I hope that this will give us a great start in the 4-yr. cycle, and who knows, we could very well stay with it for a long time. Did I say I was SUPER excited?! I love history!:001_smile:

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year for you! I'm glad they are updating-I think BP really fills a need for people, and now it will do so even more efficiently!


Wahh-come on, volumes 3 and 4! I do think it's a good sign that they're doing the timelines for them by this summer!


Send them an email and tell them you're waiting.;)

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Not the original poster, but (for Tina & Kathy)....you can order printed materials and have them mailed to you. You have to print out the order form from the website and mail it in with a check. As far as what's different with Biblioplan, I can't really compare because this will be our first year. However, I do know that they have added the map, timeline, and coloring books to years 1 and 2. They're working on 3 and 4. As far as teacher's notes, it's my understanding that they schedule the above activities along with the readings, and also give suggestions for writing ideas. HTH

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You can also get Biblioplan from Rainbow Resource. They are $28.50 and if you are getting a bunch of other stuff anyway and have an order over $150, shipping is free. Looks like they have the new stuff too. I'm guessing that the book lists and schedule haven't changed or changed much. Maybe OOP books have been removed. I know they had a schedule to add MOH with my year 2 I used last year--maybe that's integrated with the main schedule now. But it would be pretty easy for them to schedule out the new MOH and make that schedule available. I would just contact them.


Going into year 3 now and we're just planning to continue with the maps and coloring pages from the SOTW AG, even if the BP ones come available this summer. It has worked fine for us and it's what we're used to.

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