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What to do on "one of those days"

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Kids are driving me crazy and pummeling each other. My head is pounding and I'm wondering if I made a huge mistake hs'ing my high energy gaggle.

What do y'all do on days like this? We haven't accomplished one entire lesson today where everyone participated. Honestly, we've only done science and spelling so far--and it's 1:30pm. I want to run for the hills...


Suggestions, please?


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Find them something to do that does not require your oversight, brew some hot tea for yourself and curl up with a book. If they disturb your peace, threaten them within an inch of their lives.


Some days are just like this. I raise my cup o' tea to you in hopes that tomorrow is so wonderful that today becomes a blurry memory.

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Find them something to do that does not require your oversight, brew some hot tea for yourself and curl up with a book. If they disturb your peace, threaten them within an inch of their lives.


Some days are just like this. I raise my cup o' tea to you in hopes that tomorrow is so wonderful that today becomes a blurry memory.


ITA! :)

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When I have a headache, my kids know to do their work or find something to do. The oldest takes care of the youngest. They watch television or a video. We usually keep things from the library for these occasions since I have migraines. It is o.k. to rest when not feeling well, that is one of the perks of homeschooling.

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