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we are going to study animals next year. i was just going to let my kids pick 10 animals each and learn about them...i then got to thinking that i should have them pick at least one reptile, mammal, bird, etc...now i'm wondering if we should study the different habitats and base the animals we study around them? or by continent??


i would appreciate any advice..especially from those who have tried to put a unit study together like this before...


did you have any culminating projects that you did? fun stuff?




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I did something like that for dd in the second grade. We studied animals by habitat. We did the Arctic, deserts, grasslands, forests, jungles, and coastal areas. I printed out a world map for each habitat and we colored the corresponding areas. She picked some animals and I picked some since dd would never pick a bug or a reptile. We would discuss the pros and cons of living in each habitat and note how each animal adapted to each area. It was a great year! Dd had a book she made with facts on each habitat and then pictures of each animal with a general description. We went to the zoo and to the local science center for field trips as well as to the nearby lake.

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We just finished a Unit on this using Moving Beyond The Page.


We studied by habitat and then at the end there is a culminating project where they pick their favourite animal and do a study of it. We went to an open plains zoo this week and DD got to hand feed a giraffe !

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