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desk-top/table-top storage (sort of) question


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My ds has always had a student desk for school, but he has outgrown it. We are switching to a five-foot long laminate folding table for him for next year. The student desk had a cubby for books and a shelf above the cubby where he kept markers, calculator, etc. I've got the books covered; they are all ready to go on a bookshelf behind him. But, I am trying to come up with a storage idea for the other stuff. He has always had a pencil holder, but it isn't big enough to hold markers, calculator, etc. Should I get some sort of a tray in addition to the pencil holder? Or is there something else I could use that would hold everything. I don't want anything HUGE, but I always don't want several little piles of things as I want lots o' room for spreading out the books.

Any creative ideas for me?

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We have an old kitchen table for our schooling. We put a little set of drawers on the end--its six drawers hold thin and thick markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors/tape, and stickers/post it notes. I put her pencil cup and and eraser with dry markers on top. We have the white board right there on the wall (the table is perpendicular to the wall) so it's perfect for us. Here's a picture:


Our schoolroom

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I actually found something perfect at Staples. It is a narrow open tray. I actually bought two. We have tons of flash cards and the 3 x 5 boxes that hold them line up perfectly in it. So, I got one for the odds and ends and one to hold the file boxes. That way I can keep the file boxes in a separate place when we aren't currently using them. Ain't it great when you find exactly what you need!?

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in our school room ( a converted bedroom) i keep all our supplies in bins in the closet shelves. the table the kids work at only has a few small cannisters on it for pencils and crayons. the kids get other supplies out of the closet as needed and put them away when they are done. i like to keep the table as clear as possible to minimize distraction and make it easier to wipe down when it gets drawn on!

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I really like using the apprentice organizer from Staples. Staples also carries another smaller one. I like the larger one because I can keep everything in it that ds needs. My ds does much better when there is a place for everything to go!





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