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Help me compare French programs


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After going rounds with myself, I've finally decided to go ahead with French for next year. We have a library subscription to Mango, so we're going to start with that to get a basic introduction to the language.


I've done some searches on the board and found great suggestions for French curricula. I do have some additional questions as to how they compare...


One I'm considering is First Start French. We did Prima Latina this year and it seems to be the same sort of format, and I like that it is grammar based... seriously looking at this one.


I was also looking at the Galore Park options: Skoldo followed by SYRWTL French. It seems Skoldo has elementary, then primary (we'd probably go with primary based on age, plus a bit of exposure through Mango), and then you'd follow it up with SYR French??


If you've looked at these programs, can you give me any info as to how they differ from one another? For example...


Would we need Skoldo at all if we do some Mango lessons, or would we be able to go directly into SYR French? How do the CD's compare for all these programs?


DS will be a 4th grader (so 9/10 years old). I do have some French background, which is why I'm choosing to start with it. I took four years of it in high school but haven't used it that much since. My goal is to reteach myself along with DS, and pull out that dormant knowledge, LOL!!


Thoughts appreciated... thank you!! :)

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I would use Galore Park and go at your own pace, and supplement with Mango.

I have never used Mango.

I have several Skoldo books, and I have looked at them but not really used them.

I've tried FSF and just don't think it has enough instruction and the audio is not very good. It's very boring, but if you liked Prima Latina you might not find it boring.

I've used the first SYRWTLF book and liked it the best. Skoldo might be too young for a 4th grader, and SYRWTLF starts at the beginning.

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The only program we are familiar with is First Start French. It is very similar to the Latina Christiana programs. Because it is already familiar dd13 is moving very quickly through it and some language tapes. The aim is to have her handle the language requirements for a family trip to France in September.:lol:

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