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I hope this isn't a bad sign of things to come

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VBS starts today. I'm the director. The kids had breakfast and found that all the milk in the house has gone bad. A whole unopened gallon included. It was past date, but still... we go through milk so fast here that I never check the date.


Good news, we all got up and ready in plenty of time. Enough time for me to post here. Pretty amazing for a home school family that doesn't have a start time usually.


Funny story - I tried taking a book out of ds's hands as he's reading, telling him he has to read it the first 2 weeks of school (in 2 weeks). He wouldn't let it go, saying "I don't care!"


Time to leave. Don't have too much fun without me! :tongue_smilie:

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Isn't VBS week fun! The last several years I have coordinated snacks for our VBS. Sounds like a simple job, but we're talking about 300 kids and the snacks are usually pretty involved. I had decided with DH gone and my sister visiting from England that I just couldn't commit to doing it this year. I've had no involvement at all with the plotting and planning of VBS this year. So yesterday at 5:00 I got a call. The girl who worked with me last year and is in charge of snacks this year was stuck out of town with a very sick baby. The girl helping her was completely overwhelmed and could I please come help. So, we're off to VBS to do snacks. And I have no idea what the plans are this year.....if everyone gets to eat I'm sure they'll be happy, but I HATE not knowing what I'm doing! Argh!


Oh well, it should be fun!

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