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I'm looking for recommendations.

My daughter is studying Latin at school this year using Latina Christian I. She is homeschooling next year and she wants to continue to study Latin.

I have no experience with Latin and don't really have the interest (or time or energy) to learn it and try to teach it to her.


So can you help me choose a Latin curriculum. The Latin Christiana website suggests students go to First Form Latin. Is this a good program?


Anyone want to make any suggestions for a program that is good for a student to work through without an experienced teacher?



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I will look into Veritas on-line classes.


I am really looking for something she can do on a flexible schedule as opposed to structured days/times. I'd like an instructor who presents the lesson. Then she can work in a work book or study. She's very motivated like that.


By the way, she just turned 10 last week. She loves Latin and learns is way faster than I can keep up. I definitely need an instructor presenting the material for her.


I may try to find a tutor for her.

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  • 6 months later...

We have used Latin in Christian Trivium for 1 1/2 years and love it. I have no experience with Latin, and while I think it is wonderful for my daughter, I do not have the time or desire to learn it myself. :) I check her assignments, tests, etc but I do not teach her anything. The first year I read through the lessons with her to make she understood what they were saying (I just did not bother learning the vocab or how to decline). This year she is on her own. We started the level 1 in 6th but have slowed because they say it counts for high school credit. There is a teachers guide, student text, drill book with tests, and activity guide. I bought the activity guide but never used it. The drill sheets are important though. The answers to everything are in the teachers guide.

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Not many people like this curriculum, but we love Latin's Not So Tough in our house. My 10 year old is working on level 3 and I know my 8 year old could handle it too. Buy the teacher book with the full answer key for the teacher's notes needed, but honestlly for most lessons I don't have to teach anything. They are retaining what they are learning very well and it is so quick and independent.

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