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Library - My List

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Okay...so I just discovered this tool on our library's website, so I'm posting a thread on it just in case other parents out there have it available and haven't discovered it yet. I wanted an option to be able to check now what my library has available and save the titles for a future date, but I'm limited to 60 hold requests (that goes fast when trying to plan several lessons in advance). When I'm logged into my library account, there is an option to the right of each title that says, "Add to List". I have created a list for each chapter of SOTW, so when it's close to the time that I want to request for my books to be held for me, then I go into the corresponding list and place a request. Just sharing in case it would help someone else. :)

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I use the list option on our library's site. I make a different folder for each week of school and save all titles for all subjects that I will need in it. Then I go back and request everything in that folder 2 weeks before we need it. It has worked great this whole last year and I'm currently in the process of setting up my lists for the coming year.

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Wow, thanks! It looks like ours has My List available...but it says I have to create lists first and I can't find where to do that!


I can do it two different ways with my library and I have to be signed into my account for both.


1. I can go to the Search tab and go to the My Lists Link. I can click on Create New Saved Title List and it will bring up a box for me to enter the title of the list and then I just select Create List.


2. If I find a book that I want to add to a list, then I click on Add to List (which is to the right of the title at my library). It will bring up a drop down list that will list the titles of any lists that I have created (if I select any of those titles, then the book will be added to that list) or I can select New List. If I select New List, then it will bring up a box for me to enter the title of the list and then I just select Create List.



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