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Bill Maher--- any yet another slam on SAHM

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Only the non-religious ones. :P


I'm pretty, uh... Well, suffice it to say "The Life of Brian" is my all-time favorite movie. I still don't have much appreciation.




I think many of them do.


that's unfortunate



I agree there.




But, he is just another loudmouth jerk. Mine is an actual elected official.

Yes, but your elected official may have been rude, but he never touched Ms Scholl or even asked to see her b00ks.



I win! I win!

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They started having children while Mitt Romney was in grad school and they were living very modestly: Wikipedia (and if you can't trust that, what can you trust:lol:):

"The couple's first son was born in 1970[12] while both were undergraduates at Brigham Young,[15] living in a $75-a-month basement apartment,[16] which Mitt had transferred to based upon her request.[13] After he graduated, the couple moved to Boston so that he could attend Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School. Slowed down by parenthood, she later finished her undergraduate work by gaining a semester and half's worth of credits via taking night courses at Harvard University Extension School,[15] from which she graduated in 1975[1] with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree with a concentration in French language.[17]"


Well, $75 plus the proceeds from sales of stock, a gift from his dad. Worth around $375k in today's money. The criticism was because he is trying to make them out to be regular ole struggling folk. She has never had to economize, and yet he is pretending she's an economic barometer. That is a false construct. His dad was a governor. Neither of them worked in college. Their parents paid for college. Gerald Ford attended their lavish wedding. They honeymooned in Hawaii. She had a babysitter for when she went to class. He did volunteer work in France. His dad bought a house for them. That is the reason for the criticism, not her SAHM-ness.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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If that is what she meant, Rosen could easily say that about other candidate's wives as well.



The reason she picked Ann Romney (who I like, BTW) is that her husband is using her as the proof he is in touch with what average women have to deal with, when he is generally seen as someone who is out of touch with working people's struggles (see today's polls). I think it is fair to point out that because of their economic circumstances their experiences are not those of most people. That may or may not be relevant to whether he would be a good president --- up to every voter to decide.


Hilary Rosen is a mother who has been a stay-at-home mom at times.

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Rosen was trying to criticize Anne Romney for being in the position of never actually needing an outside job to support her family. She was trying to say that Anne Romney couldn't understand the choices the typical (if there is a typical) woman must make. I do believe Rosen had a point about that. However, she articulated it quite poorly. I do not believe she was actually targeting your typical stay at home mom. Romney has not had to balance staying home with a significant change in family income or had to look at a family budget that meant staying home was impossible. I do not think Romney feels the impact of the price of gas that way SAHM's on this board do. I don't begrudge her very comfortable life, but one could wonder if she weren't a bit insulted from the realities others face.


Maher: he's never been in the position of a typical woman or typical parent. Sometimes one wonders what he knows at all.


Do any of the candidates?


I think you meant to say, "insulated" and not insulted. While she may be insulated from the realities of a tight budget, she is far from insulated from the realities of mothering five boys! That is what was being attacked by Rosen in my mind. She is a mother, first and foremost, as are most of US. We are all in that same boat. I find it incredibly insulting that Rosen felt it even remotely acceptable to bag on Anne Romney at all for doing what most of us here consider quite an important job--being a mother at home.


Bill Maher speaks for no one I know and just continues to make a fool of himself. I look forward to the day he makes such a giant a$$ of himself that he has to leave TV altogether. Now that will be a sweet day! LOL


Does anyone take anything he says seriously?

I agree!


Since satire is supposed to be humorous social criticism, no, I sure don't. And I like satire on both sides of the political isle.


It also is clearly not satire when you are supporting one side's super PAC to the tune of one cool million!



Now I'm just waiting on the edge of my seat for one of the women's rights organizations to step up and call him out for knocking those of us who make the choice to stay home with our children. :lol::lol::lol: I'll just make sure I don't hold my breath while I wait!!




If that is what she meant, Rosen could easily say that about other candidate's wives as well.




I can. I hate that guy with the fire of a thousand suns. This is just another reason to add to the list.


Tell us what you think, cdrumm!:D

This crap has been deleted twice already. Do you really want a throwdown on which political party can be more offensive to women? Because I don't think you really do.


Here is a start:



Very few Dems like Bill Maher. The above is just an average day for the GOP.

Oh, yeah.:lol::lol::lol:




I don't think the house speaker was being insulting to women, just being insulting in general. (Not apologizing for his rude behavior, but I don't think you can extrapolate this quote as an example of one group attacking women). Bill Maher Ms. Cohen clearly attacked SAHMs as an entire group.




I agree!

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For the record, I love Life of Brian. My sisters and I can quote large bits of it. So, that proves nothing. ;)


Let me rephrase. I only know one person who likes Bill Maher. She was raised without any religion. She sometimes calls me to ask why a joke was offensive. I am not saying that she is the norm.


I know lots of people who like Rush. Loads and loads.

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*waves hand like a Jedi* You don't need to pay attention to him.

*waves hand again* His idiotic yammering means nothing to you.



Now go eat some chocolate, and forget you ever heard of....um....uh....who was it again?;)



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Well, $75 plus the proceeds from sales of stock, a gift from his dad. Worth around $375k in today's money. The criticism was because he is trying to make them out to be regular ole struggling folk. She has never had to economize, and yet he is pretending she's an economic barometer. That is a false construct. His dad was a governor. Neither of them worked in college. Their parents paid for college. Gerald Ford attended their lavish wedding. They honeymooned in Hawaii. She had a babysitter for when she went to class. He did volunteer work in France. His dad bought a house for them. That is the reason for the criticism, not her SAHM-ness.




(Says this sahm, who finds sah, and even sah-hsing, to be MUCH easier than working while parenting just 1 child.)

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