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Ds18 going to Qatar tomorrow. Any advice?

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We've been so busy with other things, I haven't put too much thought into what to pack etc. He's taken care of all of it so far, but I am sure there are things I, as Mom, should be considering. He's never gone out of the country before; it's for a summit and they have sent a list of things to consider - how to dress etc. He will be stopping off at Heathrow each way.


Any thoughts on logistics? Packing? Money? Phone? I think I have a handle on these things, but I'd love to hear from the experts! ;)

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No advice but I want to wish your son well.


My kiddo is spending the summer abroad at an archaeological dig. I was thinking of getting a field vest for him with an interior pocket for carrying a passport. In his case, the pockets will be great for a notebook, etc. I'm curious to hear about suggestions how a young man should carry his passport securely but with accessibility.

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I've never been to Qatar, so I can't comment on travel there, but I highly advise you to make sure that your ds fully understands travel procedures in general. Make sure that he has all documentation necessary and the addresses and telephone numbers for everyone he is going to stay with, whether it is a family or hotel. Make sure that he knows how to answer questions at customs and passport control, "What is the purpose of your visit?" "How long will you be staying?" "Where will you be staying?" "What will you be doing while in our country?"


Also, make sure that his passport is valid for at least 6 months after his date of travel. I was turned back at the airport because my passport was only valid for 3 months. I had to take a train into London to the embassy to get an emergency renewal while my family flew out without me. I was fortunately able to fly stand-by on a later flight.


Also, make sure that he knows exactly where he needs to be at the airport to meet whoever will be picking him up. We had a 16yo visiting us last year. I clearly wrote on his e-mail instructions to wait at the Costa Coffee shop just outside of arrivals in Terminal 1 for the group that would be arriving so he could get on their bus with them. Foolish boy went to the Costa Coffee above the check-in desks. I spent hours on the phone with his guardian in the States, the team that was supposed to meet him, and security at the airport trying to locate the kid. He ended up missing the bus and a friend in London had to drive to the airport to pick him up once we finally located him.


Make sure that he understands what is allowed on his carry-on bag and what needs to be packed in his checked luggage. Weigh his luggage to make sure that it is under the limit. I would have him travel with only a small amount of money in his wallet. Get him a money belt for him to wear under his clothes for the majority of his money.


That's all I can think of. Hope he has a great trip. :001_smile:

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Wow Megan - thank you for those details. Exactly the sort of stuff I need to know! Umm...what exactly is a money belt? I'll be sure he understands the importance of knowing where he needs to check in for his ride. H and I will also prep him on those customs questions. I'm going to check his passport right now. Thank you ever so much!


lailasmum - Aahh - brilliant advice. Thanks! ;)


Jane - You know I want to join your son! I like the field vest idea.


Thanks all!

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I'd put the money belt around his waist under his shirt. The idea is that you put the money that you need for the day in your wallet and put the rest in the money belt, so you're not accessing it while you're out and about. So I wouldn't put the passport in it while he's actually travelling, but he could for the rest of the trip.

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hillfarm - we almost forgot about sunglasses until this morning! Thank you!


Cute story - the other day a friend called and said, "What happens when I am up all night and I am done worrying about my own kids? I start worrying about yours. Don't forget to pack chapstick!"


eta: Thank you Megan. :)

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