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Need Cat Advice: Big Kitty/Little Kitty (long)

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We have a cat we have had for about 5 years. She is 6 years old (Big Kitty). Last October we got a new kitten (Little Kitty). She was 5 months old at the time, so she is almost a year now. Big Kitty always has been very laid back, even when we first got her. Little Kitty....we say she is a dog in a cat's body! She races around the house, steals food and runs with it, destroys items, and plays fetch. Not complaining though, she is flat out adorable at the same time, and after destroying half the house, she will come snuggle on your neck like a baby.


The problem is I am really worried about Big Kitty. The introduction period went fairly well, Little Kitty wanted and still wants so bad to play, Big Kitty is not interested and will hiss and growl, but she won't attack or hurt Little Kitty. Big Kitty is totally stressed though, all the time. Little Kitty follows her and pounces on everything she does. (Little Kitty just wanting to play, tail relaxed, etc) Big Kitty can't use the litter box or get a drink of water without Little Kitty following her and getting in her face. Big Kitty will growl at her, but Little never backs off and it is Big Kitty who will flee the scene rather than escalate.


I am worried because Big Kitty has been losing weight and is now totally bony. I took her to the vet thinking something was wrong, but he found nothing. That was about a month ago, and since then after paying more attention, I think the stress is getting to her. Even when Little Kitty is not around, Big is always wide eyed, tail-swishing, looking around for Little to pounce. I've tried putting Little away for some of the day in my daughter's room, and Big acts totally different when Little is away, relaxed posture, etc. But I can't keep Little locked up all day!


I thought at first this would get better after time, but it's been 7 months and no changes. I am almost wishing that Big would just smack the h*** out of Little, so Little would finally leave her alone. But she won't, and so Little just keeps harrassing her. Little is totally undisturbed by the whole thing, and Big is becoming a stressed out mess who is not eating enough and becoming skin and bones.


How can I get Little to back off without keeping her locked up? I'm really getting worried about the health of the older cat.


Thanks for reading this, I don't know who else to ask!

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You may have to make a place where Big Kitty can go that Little Kitty cannot, so the older cat can have a sanctuary spot that she can feel safe. Some cats don't do well with other cats (mine would not) and that's probably the best solution.

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You may have to make a place where Big Kitty can go that Little Kitty cannot, so the older cat can have a sanctuary spot that she can feel safe. Some cats don't do well with other cats (mine would not) and that's probably the best solution.


How do I do that in practicality though? Both kitties want to be around the family. It seems like I would have to keep either one or the other locked up in a bedroom for that to work.

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What if you try getting little kitty a play mate? Maybe contact a rescue and see if you can foster another active young cat for her to play with. If it doesn't work, you can take the new kitty back. The rescue may have some suggestions also...they see lots of combinations of personalities.


What if you start reprimanding little kitty for big kitty? A spray bottle (as long as you can aim to not get big kitty too) is pretty common training too. Or physically removing little kitty and putting her in the bathroom for a time out each time she pounces on big kitty.

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How do I do that in practicality though? Both kitties want to be around the family. It seems like I would have to keep either one or the other locked up in a bedroom for that to work.


I don't know. But it's obvious that your Big Kitty is not happy and not doing well and that's probably not going to improve if things stay the same. I'd try to find some way to make a room/place in your house only accessible to the older cat, that she can go into when she doesn't want to be around the younger cat, and the younger cat can't follow. And you'll probably have to be creative. One idea that popped into my head was one of those magnetic cat doors that only open when the cat has the collar on. If you had a room that could be kept closed with the kitty door in the room door, then the older cat could have the collar and get in and the younger cat couldn't. It really depends on your house and what you can make work.

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We have the same drama playing out in our house - laid back big cat vs playful and exuberant little.


Little follows Big everywhere and is constantly pouncing on him but don't count on a good solid smack to put an end to it. I thought the same thing until the day it finally happened here and instead of Little backing down, he just saw it as an invitation to wrestle.


But here, even Little needs some time away to a place where he can nap without worrying about Big or about big humans wanting some kitty affection and he chose a place in my closet.


Maybe you can help out Big to mark out a place she can call her own. Look around for something high and soft (or something high that you can make soft). Preferably some place where she can set her back against the wall so she doesn't have to worry about what might be sneaking up from behind.


Then show it to her. You might have to show it to her several times before she realizes what you mean. Even then you might have to put a few of her toys or a blanket there to help her realize you are marking that spot out as hers.


She'll probably only use it at nap time or possibly for the night but at least her body is able for that period of time to destress.

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What if you start reprimanding little kitty for big kitty? A spray bottle (as long as you can aim to not get big kitty too) is pretty common training too.


I know this works probably 99% of the time but in our case little cat just licked the water off and then went right back at it. :lol::lol::lol: He's a stubborn little cuss. Of course this is the same cat who'll sit in the sink and with fascination watch the water soak his tail.

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I know this works probably 99% of the time but in our case little cat just licked the water off and then went right back at it. :lol::lol::lol: He's a stubborn little cuss. Of course this is the same cat who'll sit in the sink and with fascination watch the water soak his tail.


Oh my gosh, this is my kitty too! She's insane! When I go to spray her for something, she just stares at me and waits for the spray....Noise doesn't work either. She tries to attack the vacuum cleaner while I'm vacuuming..

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