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Creation to Greeks MFW (to wait or not to wait)

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I keep going back and forth on this because I want my kids to get as much out of the program as possible and also don't know that I would be too thrilled to go through it a second time.


I need opinions please.


Do CTG in the fall with a 4th and 2nd grader or wait a year and do it with a 5th and 3rd grader. We are doing ECC currently and will be finishing up in the end of July.


What would you do?

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Okay, brainstorming....


My first question is if you skip a year before doing CTG, what will you do in between?


That said...


If you do it next year, it would look like this long term:


4th/2nd -- CTG

5th/3rd -- RTR

6th/4th -- EX1850

7th/5th -- 1850MOD

8th/6th -- ECC more in-depth with junior high supplement, maybe? Or something entirely different. Then decide what to do with youngest for 7th & 8th. (CTG and RTR again? Or something entirely different?)


If you skip a year:


4th/2nd -- ??

5th/3rd -- CTG

6th/4th -- RTR

7th/5th -- EX1850

8th/6th -- 1850MOD


Either way, your youngest will be in middle school when you finish the cycle the first time through, so you'll have either one year or two years to fill in before high school.


Basically, I think you could go either way here. :) Try to decide a) how much your 4th & 2nd graders would get out of CTG if you do it next year, and b) what you think you might like to do at the end of the cycle when you've got one or two years to fill in with the youngest.

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trying to help you think...


what is it that you see you in your children that they both need to be a year older to "get more" out of it?


and by "go through it again a 2nd time".. . does that mean ECC, american history with HOD, or CTG when second child is in jr. high because you'll do it again in high school ancients?


There is a lot in CTG for the ages they will be next year. If you have super advanced oldest child - do the advanced assignments from Streams (it's a high school text), or add in the reports. If they don't do those advanced reading and research and reports, it's fine as is without the advanced assignments.


I think with all of the hands on projects in CTG, the younger ones get a lot out of it. Making some Egypt stuff. some Greek things. Then, the OT feasts are a lot of fun... even if you simplify them in the midst of an out of state move. (yes, been there, done that..)






making pyramids together.


getting to know the major stories in OT but not all of them either.


building the tabernacle step by step over 4 days



ok.. I enjoyed it the 2nd time when oldest and middle were 8th and 5th and youngest was 1st grade......

The first time I did CTG my oldest was in 3rd grade. We had done ECC in 2nd because ADV was not yet written.


I skipped advanced assignments and summarized parts of Children's Homer.


you can skip Homer in full if needed. 2nd time, we did it with audio book.



what is it that you see in your children that waiting a year has been part of your thoughts?



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Ok, we haven't even started MFW ECC yet, but I will be in the same boat you are next year:) I will have a 3rd grader and 1st grader doing ECC in the summer/ fall, and I plan on doing CtoG in 4th. My thought process was that if we did this, he would do ECC again but more in depth in 8th grade. Then he would be perfectly ready for MFW high school Ancient History in 9th grade! I am a long term thinker- always planning ahead:) I just hope we love MFW as much as I think we will!

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I really wanted to answer each of your questions and quote each of your posts, but I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to use this AUSUS ee pad thingy. So I will try to hit what each of you said from memory..


Donna, We had planned on doing HOD's Bigger in our "off" year from MFW. Since getting it and looking through it though, I found that I would need to add quite a bit for the 4th grader if we did it. Thanks for listing it all out for me like that it helps.


Crystal, You make me just want to jump in and not even think any more about it :) I just know that this year while doing ECC my 6yrold 1st grader has done well with tagging along but she isn't understanding as much as she would if she were older and I know it will only get more confusing for her in CTG; I assume it will anyways. I shouldn't say I Know it will when I haven't looked through the whole program. She seemed to follow along with adventures well in kindergarten when her brother was doing it in 2nd, but she hardly remembers any of it now. I just feel like she is getting left in the dust sometimes.


I can't remember the last posters name, but I like the way you look at things. Nothing wrong with long term goals or plans. I think it would be good to do ECC in 8th as well, I just worry about using the same books again and doing the same projects again. Not sure if this will bore us or not. Maybe since there will be so much time in between it wouldn't be an issue???? What do you think Crystal? Did you do different books and projects the second time through? How do you keep it interesting?

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I think it would be good to do ECC in 8th as well, I just worry about using the same books again and doing the same projects again. Not sure if this will bore us or not. Maybe since there will be so much time in between it wouldn't be an issue???? What do you think Crystal? Did you do different books and projects the second time through? How do you keep it interesting?


it wasn't an issue for me... but then again.. I'm the one who really is enjoying MFW at grammar, logic and rhetoric stages with all of the programs. It has been plenty for us. I enjoy watching them grow at each year. My 7th grader is over there right now reading through some book basket books for fun on a Saturday morning? is she reading "college level" books on history. no. but she doesn't have to.... I was amazed the other week that from the "younger" (not "hive worthy" giggle) books in book basket that my logic stage child taught herself a LOT about the gold rush and wrote quite a bit on it with her written narrative. I was out of the school room that day too. I was administering standardized test for someone. So my daughter read and wrote independently using several resources - SOTW, book basket... and she got her math done by herself....


oh never mind... I'm just trying to say mfw is working for us in all levels.. mileage will vary. everyone is different... but since middle gal was sitting right here reading... it was on my heart and mind...



ok.. how did it work doing all of those MFW programs 5 years apart in the cycle?


It was 5 years apart and I had a freshness to all of it. And that's been the case with ECC, CTG, RTR and this year in EX1850... I'm finding out that I forgot some stuff all those years ago.. and get to learn it again.


I like repeating recipes with foods... It's like with Thanksgiving dinner... so some crafts were fun to do again. or to do the first time... Can I share my ECC pics??? it was like doing ECC, etc.. the first time was for me to learn how to do one room schoolhouse.. then 2nd time, I got to shine !


this was fun the 2nd time around in ecc.. just one link this time



I like that line "I did the minimum and it worked". that is sooooo me.



I know with my oldest that most things she did in grammar stages... was intro. If it was over her head.. it was ok. She got a lot out of it all. It's one room schoolhouse effect.

with my middle... she got fun in 2nd and 3rd grade....


All I know is that I, as a well educated adult, get more out of stuff as I get older and do it again.

I found the way the MFW does it really fits my style and my family. If I do the advanced assignments at the right age, it sticks. If we only do the younger stuff with youngers... they get to have fun. "oh yeah.. the one egypt king wore that crown and the other wore that".

or "wow... there is an OT feast where they live outdoors for a while"


if you've read anything I"ve posted over time.. you know I like to think in analogies. (it's that autism gene I guess)... if you were going to a vacation resort and your oldest is ready..... you'd find a way to go as a family and let younger enjoy their day too. Then, in a few years, you go again. you wait until the oldest is ready so you can do more and push harder.... but you've grown in wisdom as a parent and know to let the younger one rest with dad while you chase oldest.... but you go as a family.



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We are doing CtG this year with 4th and 2nd graders. We have really enjoyed it! My children have learned a lot from the program. We've especially enjoyed doing the Old Testament feasts that MFW schedules.


I am looking foward to doing ECC again during my eldest child's 8th grade year so that my children can use the junior high supplement with it. I think that they will gain a deeper understanding from doing it again at that level.



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I can't remember the last posters name,] but I like the way you look at things. Nothing wrong with long term goals or plans. I think it would be good to do ECC in 8th as well, I just worry about using the same books again and doing the same projects again. Not sure if this will bore us or not. Maybe since there will be so much time in between it wouldn't be an issue???? What do you think Crystal? Did you do different books and projects the second time through? How do you keep it interesting?



I believe for ecc for jr high they have more advamced options amd a supplement pack so it wouldn't be exactly the same. My younger two will end up going through some of the programs a second time when they are in jr high. So any way, id just keep going with the cycle instead of using something yoy will have to supplement a lot for.

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Okay Okay I think you ladies have sold me on the idea of dong it next year... now I just have to sell this HOD Bigger stuff so I can afford to buy CtG package. I haven't been able to locate it used so this may be our first year actually using a second edition and not the old used first editions we've been using. Kind of exciting! Thanks for allyour experience and advice once again! I have to admit I really wanted to try HOD this year, but I think MFW is just a better fit for us.

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You wouldn't have to repeat the MFW courses once you're through all of them. Spending that last year/years doing something else you never found time for, like one of the big all year literature studies is a good option, too. It's the last chance to go off on big detours before high school transcripts start; take advantage of it. :001_smile:



Edited by SilverMoon
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You wouldn't have to repeat the MFW courses once you're through all of them. Spending that last year/years doing something else you never found time for, like one of the big all year literature studies is a good option, too. It's the last chance to go off on big detours before high school transcripts start; take advantage of it. :001_smile:


I have two in this phase currently, though they've mainly used Veritas Press history through the years. The oldest chose Omnibus from Veritas press, and the second is going to spend a year on Anne of Green Gables with Where the Brook and River Meet.


How fun! It will be neat when my kids are old enough to start choosing what they are going to learn that year. I mean they kind of get to pick some things now (Robots & Princesses) but that's a little different. I'm not trying to rush them growing up by any means though lol I know that time will come all too soon. Just trying to enjoy the here and now as I watch them all playing in a LARGE box Daddy brought home from work. It is now a house with windows and doors :) Being a parent is such a blessing! Thanks for your advice.

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You wouldn't have to repeat the MFW courses once you're through all of them. Spending that last year/years doing something else you never found time for,




I know my oldest (who is 10th grade now) got to do a light repeat of CTG in 8th because her younger sister was in CTG in 5th. But.. at the same time, I didn't worry if the history was light for several reasons. She was doing AHL in high school, AND, she got to do a bit more in things that she wanted to try new as electives. archery (and ended up in that for 3rd year now!), and a bit more cooking and things like that. and she began to learn some about computer programming.


I'm glad we didn't skip CTG on that repeat with her... oh wait.. a minute.. last week I had her write it out about the experience. (we had to sub a writing assignment in WHL. it was to do interview with person about wars/military and the person wasn't available that week. so.. I said... ok, scribble out a writing assignment in 60 minutes on the topic of "what about mfw students who do CTG in 8th and then AHL in 9th") :lol:


yes.. she was answering an online question. LOL



but yes... if you get there to jr. high and prefer to do "other social" studies, it's ok.


lots of good options :) for lots of good needs.



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I know my oldest (who is 10th grade now) got to do a light repeat of CTG in 8th because her younger sister was in CTG in 5th. But.. at the same time, I didn't worry if the history was light for several reasons. She was doing AHL in high school, AND, she got to do a bit more in things that she wanted to try new as electives. archery (and ended up in that for 3rd year now!), and a bit more cooking and things like that. and she began to learn some about computer programming.


I'm glad we didn't skip CTG on that repeat with her... oh wait.. a minute.. last week I had her write it out about the experience. (we had to sub a writing assignment in WHL. it was to do interview with person about wars/military and the person wasn't available that week. so.. I said... ok, scribble out a writing assignment in 60 minutes on the topic of "what about mfw students who do CTG in 8th and then AHL in 9th") :lol:


yes.. she was answering an online question. LOL



but yes... if you get there to jr. high and prefer to do "other social" studies, it's ok.


lots of good options :) for lots of good needs.



Your kids sound pretty independent Crystal. Remember I was worried about that too. I wonder if that has more to do with the parenting style than the curriculum you use :) I kind of like how dependent they are right now... I hope I am not setting myself up for an issue later on. They are still pretty young though.


Did you ever think about leaving MFW Crystal? Each year it goes through my mmind and then I always end up back with them:lol: Maybe someday I will be writing posts like yours encouraging people to stick with it.

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Donna, We had planned on doing HOD's Bigger in our "off" year from MFW. Since getting it and looking through it though, I found that I would need to add quite a bit for the 4th grader if we did it. Thanks for listing it all out for me like that it helps.


Sometimes looking at the "big picture" helps to clarify an immediate decision. :001_smile:


Crystal, You make me just want to jump in and not even think any more about it :) I just know that this year while doing ECC my 6yrold 1st grader has done well with tagging along but she isn't understanding as much as she would if she were older and I know it will only get more confusing for her in CTG; I assume it will anyways. I shouldn't say I Know it will when I haven't looked through the whole program. She seemed to follow along with adventures well in kindergarten when her brother was doing it in 2nd, but she hardly remembers any of it now. I just feel like she is getting left in the dust sometimes.
Remember that she's still very young. History is a pretty abstract concept... just like the higher maths. In Math we use a lot of manipulatives to demonstrate concept, then gradually "let go" of those manipulatives as they get older. We use manipulatives to help them really learn and understand the concepts first. Well, history is no different. It's about people and events. Seeing how God had His hand in it over thousands of years is something that takes time.... but when they're little, we just introduce them to the "concept" of history by reading stories and doing hands-on projects. So what some view as "tagging along" (which can be taken as negative if they think the child isn't getting their "own" program) is really just doing history at an age-appropriate level. Even the most individualized curriculums that say "1st grade" or whatever on the cover are presented as stories with fun hands-on projects to help make it real to them.


At a young elementary age, we want to introduce the concepts and have fun (WTMers call it "creating pegs to hang on later" or something like that), but really zone in on the heart issues and the 3 R's. MFW does that beautifully. Thus, I think the term "tagging along" can give a negative view of the process... even though I've used the term myself at times.


I can't remember the last posters name, but I like the way you look at things. Nothing wrong with long term goals or plans. I think it would be good to do ECC in 8th as well, I just worry about using the same books again and doing the same projects again. Not sure if this will bore us or not. Maybe since there will be so much time in between it wouldn't be an issue???? What do you think Crystal? Did you do different books and projects the second time through? How do you keep it interesting?
You won't use all the same books again, and you won't do all the same projects again. Some yes, but not all. You did what's age-appropriate from the program this year, and you'll do what's age-appropriate from the program when she's 13 or so. Also remember that SHE will be different then, and so will you.


I was just telling someone else this about my high schooler, and how much she's matured over the past two years since she read through the entire Old Testament as a MFW 9th grader. The Holy Spirit has done a work in her heart over these past two years, and thus given her more understanding of the Scriptures. But there's also the natural consequence of age and maturity at play. I know that even *I*, as a homeschool mom for almost 12 years now, continue to learn more detail, more depth, and make more connections all the time! You will see things five years from now that you don't see now.... and so will they. Five years is a long time for a child.


Enjoy the journey, and don't worry about how much "understanding" they'll have five years from now. It'll come, if you stay the course and are consistent in your training. :001_smile:

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I know my oldest (who is 10th grade now) got to do a light repeat of CTG in 8th because her younger sister was in CTG in 5th. But.. at the same time, I didn't worry if the history was light for several reasons. She was doing AHL in high school, AND, she got to do a bit more in things that she wanted to try new as electives. archery (and ended up in that for 3rd year now!), and a bit more cooking and things like that. and she began to learn some about computer programming.


I'm glad we didn't skip CTG on that repeat with her... oh wait.. a minute.. last week I had her write it out about the experience. (we had to sub a writing assignment in WHL. it was to do interview with person about wars/military and the person wasn't available that week. so.. I said... ok, scribble out a writing assignment in 60 minutes on the topic of "what about mfw students who do CTG in 8th and then AHL in 9th") :lol:


yes.. she was answering an online question. LOL



but yes... if you get there to jr. high and prefer to do "other social" studies, it's ok.


lots of good options :) for lots of good needs.





Wow, thank your daughter for the great insight! I was a little concerned too because that's what Sylvia is scheduled to do, CtG in 8th and then AHL.

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