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RC, didn't you want to see a pic of Diesel?

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Here he is hanging out at the park with Anna! He looks big in this picture, but he only weighs 2.5 lbs, lol. He just turned 5 months old. He is loosing his baby hair and needs his face trimmed up, so he looks a little scruffy. But he is still the cutest boy in the world!!




And here he is running with Cora. :D





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That puppy is adorable and so is your daughter, Nakia!


Is it a Yorkie? May I ask how the house breaking went/is going? A couple of us are lobbying for a pup around here. We love the Yorkies we have visited with but someone recently told me they are hard to house break. I'd be interested in hearing how it's going for Diesel.

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So cute!


My mom has a similar pup. He's about 10 months now and 7 lbs. Such a sweetie.


Thank you! Diesel isn't expected to be over 5 lbs. So tiny!!


I just died of cuteness overload.




That puppy is adorable and so is your daughter, Nakia!


Is it a Yorkie? May I ask how the house breaking went/is going? A couple of us are lobbying for a pup around here. We love the Yorkies we have visited with but someone recently told me they are hard to house break. I'd be interested in hearing how it's going for Diesel.


Thank you! Yes, he is a Yorkie. House training is going much much better than I expected! He almost never has pee accidents, but he does have a poop accident about 3 or 4 times a week. Thankfully, he is finally learning to "tell" us when he needs to go. If he's ignored, of course, he poops in the floor. We started crating him a month or so ago, and that has helped immensely. It's pretty easy to predict when he is going to need to go, so really when he has an accident, it's our fault because we've missed his cues. House training has been very hard work; I won't lie. When we first got him, we took him out every 30 minutes or so and at least once during the night. Now he goes about every 2 hours and sleeps all night in his crate. I am a proud mommy. :D

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That sounds great - you are doing a good job and getting great results! It has been many years since I had a puppy in crate training, I almost forgot that, like baby humans, they don't sleep all night at first. Exhausting! But there's a good payoff when the training is done and the crate is a safe place that the dog actually likes to sleep or rest in.

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That sounds great - you are doing a good job and getting great results! It has been many years since I had a puppy in crate training, I almost forgot that, like baby humans, they don't sleep all night at first. Exhausting! But there's a good payoff when the training is done and the crate is a safe place that the dog actually likes to sleep or rest in.


It has been exhausting at times. But he is just such a love!!


I love Diesel updates. :D They make me happy.


Me too!

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Thank you, Nakia. Diesel is adorable, and your DD is beautiful.


Watch out for birds. This morning, my DD put Aidan in his fenced yard three times. Each time, a hawk circled about 10' over him, so she had to keep going out there to get him. Aidan didn't mind; he sat there yipping at the hawk.


Mind you, Aidan is too big and heavy for a normal hawk to think of him as prey. The bird must have been a teenage male. :) Nonetheless, I sure don't want a hawk hurting my dog. I've already had a cat who was attacked by a blue jay (too close to her nest) and even smaller birds can do significant damage.

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Thank you, Nakia. Diesel is adorable, and your DD is beautiful.


Watch out for birds. This morning, my DD put Aidan in his fenced yard three times. Each time, a hawk circled about 10' over him, so she had to keep going out there to get him. Aidan didn't mind; he sat there yipping at the hawk.


Mind you, Aidan is too big and heavy for a normal hawk to think of him as prey. The bird must have been a teenage male. :) Nonetheless, I sure don't want a hawk hurting my dog. I've already had a cat who was attacked by a blue jay (too close to her nest) and even smaller birds can do significant damage.


OMG! We saw a hawk circling last week. We are so super careful with him. I know one of those big birds could scoop him right up! He is so tiny!

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