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Paypal only, or personal check?

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This may sound dumb, but a seller can only accept a personal check from me, and I'm not comfortable with that. What do you all normally pay with? I've only ever done PP.


I know I could always put a stop pymt on my check if I don't get the items, but it costs me $30 to do that-half of what the sale will be!


I hate to be untrusting, but I've seen some posts on here lately that make me leary.

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I wouldn't send a personal check unless I knew the person. I would get a money order instead, but even then it's tricky because you'd have no recourse if they never sent the item. So unless the seller had good feedback and I knew them as being a consistently posting member of the boards I would find someone else to buy from that takes paypal.


This may sound harsh to some, but I've been burned before and want the little protection that paypal gives me.

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Over a decade of buying and selling used curriculum has made me rather jaded, I'm afraid.


I've been cheated about a dozen times with both check and Paypal payments. At least with Paypal, I eventually get my money back.


I'll buy with check or money order if I can afford to lose the money. And I've lost the money a few times. At this point I don't pay that way on anything more than $10. And I don't accept checks or money orders as payment because it is just way too much trouble if the payment ends up being bad.


Otherwise Paypal all the way.

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Some people are afraid of paypal or any other online banking service. I would offer to pay with a postal money order - I can't imagine anyone having a problem with that. The recipient can cash it right at the post office.


True it's safer for the seller, but for the buyer, there's not much recourse if the seller doesn't follow through.


On rare occasions I will send a money order, but it is usually not an item I want so badly to make it worth the trouble of getting it. My time/gas/trouble is usually worth more than whatever I'd be saving, and even if it seems worthwhile, I'd only buy from a very established board member since I'll have no recourse if they don't send my purchase. As a buyer, I generally just skip the non-Paypal threads.

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I don't use paypal anymore - not only have I had them take funds out of my checking account they were not entitled to {and I never got it back}, but I don't agree with many of the organizations they support.


I know I lose sales as a result of this, but it's better than supporting a company I don't agree with the business practices of.


Another payment option I do take is Amazon gift cards though - just as fast as paypal without giving me any of the buyers info, and since we buy most of our materials from Amazon it works well for me. A lot of people are surprised at how easy it is to pay with Amazon, and really like it.

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Hmmm..... I guess this has reinforced my initial feelings about the whole thing. I have been pretty naive up until now, and have had mostly good experiences.


In this situation, I am wanting to buy from someone on one of the Yahoo Groups, and I've never done that before. On here (which I prefer) I do check the profiles, but I'm not sure how it works there. Obviously, if I wouldn't receive the items, I could post a message on the group, but if the person decides to never sell anything on it again, it wouldn't hurt them any.


Darn! I really wanted it, and it was a good deal.

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