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She's growing up too fast-I don't know how to keep up!

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I started going through my things for our homeschool curriculum sale/swap, and realized just how much DD doesn't need/never needed. Now, mind you, I was a math lab teacher in a previous life, so I have TONS of manipulatives, games and other things designed to teach kids the basics of elementary math in hands on, concrete, sequential ways. And DD, at age 7, is beyond all of it. The snap cubes. The pattern blocks. The attribute shapes, the C-rods, the giant set of base 10 blocks, linking and non-linking. She doesn't need any of it. She certainly doesn't need all the skills I developed at teaching unmotivated kids-give her a book or two and she's good to go, figuring it out on her own. She doesn't need my expertise. She doesn't need me.


She doesn't want me to teach music, either-she's always done better with someone else, and she doesn't want me to supervise her practice, to help her, or to do anything beyond provide resources and pay for her lessons. She's happiest when she's on her own. I could still help-but she doesn't want me to.


I feel so useless.

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Ah, its tough when they are so young and so independent but while she may not want your help academically she needs you just to be her Mom and be there when she needs you emotionally! And I am sure there will still be many more teaching moments though you are right it'll be hard to keep up with.

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I would be embarrassed to admit the quantities of books and materials I have donated to my younger nieces without having ever used them. And that's despite having two kids, one of whom was a struggling learner not long ago.


If I had it to do over, I would not stock up on more than a very few basics and a lot of really good literature. That would make it easier to just meet my kids where they are, I think.

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:grouphug:I consider myself to be their tour guide. They really don't t require me to teach, I just keep them on track. I assign essays because they try to avoid those. Grade things. Spend money on new things. Drive. I don't really teach.

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