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spin off zyrtec not working. i made allergist appt......

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I have had severe insominia in the last few weeks. I can't breath through my nose. I think I wake up due to congestion. I am losing weight, so if apnea were caused by that, it should be getting better, not worse.


I have also had migraines for the first time ever in the last few years. And my eyes are killing me.


A while back, under other insurance, an ENT Dr. Used a scope and discovered that my turbins(?) Were severely enlarged.


My insurance runs out in June. I have $1888 left on my deductable although office visits are $60 with a specialist.


What do I need to know, ask, or consider?

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I had sinus surgery have getting six ear infections on one year. It was determined to be caused by my sinuses not being able to drain properly because I had a polyp blocking one side, a deviated septum blocking the other side, and enlarged turbinates.


It helped for a little while, but then I got congested again.


I used OTC nasal sprays. I tried Claritin, Zyrtec, Chlortrimeton, and Flonase. I also used eye drops because my eyes were watery, itchy, and sometimes swelled. None of it really helped much.


I removed dairy from our diet to see if it helped DS's behavior and all of my congestion and allergy symptoms have gone 100% away. They return if I eat too much dairy.


Have you looked at dietary causes?



DS, who tested positive for multiple tree allergies, is helped greatly by allergy meds. They work for him. Most of the time, he takes Claritin and doesn't even bother with the flonase.

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I am VERY allergic to dairy and I do not eat any but I still have some environmental allergies.


If one's allergies are lasting year long it would be worth looking at. I would also look at things in the house as causing it. I am allergic to dust and all of God's creatures (:lol:) apparently.


I don't have carpet, I don't buy furniture that isn't washable somehow (like removable covers on things) I have area rugs and I wash them. I use a hepa vacuum and my friends know me as the crazy person who is always vacuuming their furniture.


If I mention to my mom that my windows are all opened she complains, "I don't open my windows I am allergic to the inside, I always reply, "Yes mom, but I am allergic to the INSIDE" :lol:

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Both my kids and my husband have terrible allergies. We have had a lot of success with the prescription nasal sprays, when they are used regularly. My son alternates between Nasonex and Astepro, as does my husband. My daughter uses Astepro at her most difficult times of the year (now! and in the fall). I know there is a generic of either Astepro or Astelin (basically the same) available now. If you go with the nasal sprays, they take a week or two to kick in.


I agree that allergy shots aren't a cure-all. At least they haven't been for us. But, my daughter has greatly improved while on them. Like I said, she still needs her nasal spray in the spring and fall, but before the shots, she was a miserable little mess no matter what allergy meds we used. They have greatly improved her quality of life.


Breathe Right nasal strips help my husband sleep better at night. The shots have not been as effective for him and he is inconsistent about taking his nasal spray.



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Oddly the nasal issues are the least bothersome to me. My eyes feel like they are burning out of my skull. I seriously want to rip them out. I could sneeze all day and night and would love that in comparison.


But can you sneeze the whole time you are driving, trying to cook dinner or playing your video games?


I wash my hands so much while cooking they get chapped. Sometimes sneezing has gotten me killed :(

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I'd definitely consider dietary concerns if allergies lasted throughout the year. For me they come on right as the trees start budding and are completely gone when the leaves are fully grown. I doubt that's a dietary thing.


This has definitely been a particularly bad year. We had very warm weather early on (in March!). Otherwise this sort of thing starts for me around April and lasts until the end of May.


Here too......this year is early and dreadfully miserable. My allergies have now done a cross over to foods, where I feel like I am allergic to my own spit. I hate it!! ( see oral allergy syndrome...ingot hives and blisters in my mouth and throat from certain foods, preservatives, etc. GAH!!!)


I take claritin in the am and benadryl in the pm. This helps keep my allergies bearable at this time of year...not perfect but much better, and the benadryl keeps me decongested...and helps me sleep.

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