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I need a curriculum with little planning required by me...Sonlight?

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I have a gifted 4 1/2 year old son and a 2 year old daughter who is also showing signs of being ahead...and a clingy 4 month old baby boy who makes planning and preparing anything pretty much impossible. I'm considering Sonlight....how are the lessons laid out? How much prep and planning would be required from me? I need a "grab and go" challenging curriculum. Any suggestions?

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I'm trying to get dinner on the table, so I can't answer all of your questions right now, but I want to say that we started off with Sonlight almost three years ago and have been very happy with it (aside from the Language Arts, which is a pretty common sentiment!). Have no plans to switch. I've used Cores P3/4, P4/5, 1/B, 2/C, and are a few weeks into 3/D. I'm expecting my fourth baby soon and I don't know how I'd be able to keep up with HSing without lesson plans.

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I was wondering about "moving beyond the page"! I haven't heard too many use it, so I'm happy to hear someone favoring them! I better look into that too....


We love it. DD is always excited to do this curriculum. So many engaging activities :001_smile:

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I like Before Five in a Row and Five in a Row for this age, especially since your oldest is only 4. 4 year olds should be playing, cuddling, reading with you and on their own (looking through picture books if they're not reading yet), and exploring. We all think our oldest needs school NOW, and many of us have burned them out. That being said, Sonlight and MFW both look good for those goals. Just don't get too hung up on doing school at this age. There's more than enough time for that. Enjoy your little ones while they're still clingy. It goes by too fast.




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Wow, we're mirror families or something. We have a gifted just turned five year old, a gifted just turned three year old, and a baby.


We've done the P3/4 and P4/5 Cores. I was going to come up with my own thing for kindergarten this fall, but now I've decided to do Core A so that I won't have to plan and won't be tempted to push. I love Sonlight because they select good books and because there is no planning. It's very much "grab and go."


You can look at sample IGs on the Sonlight website to see how it's laid out.

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I was wondering about "moving beyond the page"! I haven't heard too many use it, so I'm happy to hear someone favoring them! I better look into that too....



We use it too.


Just started the 5-7 year. You can check out my blog if you like although I've only just started with it so haven't blogged all that much about it yet.


There is very little planning if you use as is - I'm a chronic adder inner :lol: so we do extra things as go alongs.

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SL is totally open and go for content subjects - I haven't done a multi-subject pack from them though. I teach skills using other programs :). SL is about the ONLY content-based program we've been able to actually get any significant amount done of though - because it IS open and go :).

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