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KIndle touch?

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I think this is what we decided to get my son. Does anyone have any experience with the adds that come with the cheaper 99$ one? Is there going to be anything advertised that would be inappropriate for a 11 yr old to see? Can we somehow stop the adds from coming after awhile or is this an agreement that for all the years we have this Kindle we need to get the adds too

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I think this is what we decided to get my son. Does anyone have any experience with the adds that come with the cheaper 99$ one? Is there going to be anything advertised that would be inappropriate for a 11 yr old to see? Can we somehow stop the adds from coming after awhile or is this an agreement that for all the years we have this Kindle we need to get the adds too


I have ads on my Kindle by choice (I actually bought one before the ads were an option). I've never seen anything inappropriate on them at all, and I've also never heard of their being anything inappropriate. And yes, you can later pay the difference and get rid of the ads if you desire. I like them though, because sometimes I can get a good deal. They will sometimes have offers for really inexpensive Kindle books or coupon codes for things.

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I wanted to add that the ads are very unobtrusive. They are on the screensaver and then as a small bar across the bottom of the main home screen. Frankly, I barely notice them. They are often for things like half off spa days, etc...kinda like groupon stuff. I have no problem letting my 8, 10 and 12 yo use my kindle and we are very conservative. HTH!

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Are the ads onscreen the whole time, or do they sort of come and go?


An ad will be on the screen when you turn your kindle on. Then if you forget to turn it off it acts like a screen saver & shuts off with an ad on it. Otherwise they are on an small banner on your home page. Not even noticable. They do not pop up while you are reading either.


I usually ignore them but happened to pay attention to one -- $5 for a $10 Amazon gift cert.

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I have the Kindle Touch with ads, and I barely notice them. They only appear on the bottom of your booklist and as a screensaver, never when you're reading. The only ads I've seen so far have been for book discounts, shoes, and hair products. Nothing at all inappropriate.

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Are the ads onscreen the whole time, or do they sort of come and go?


They are so unobtrusive I had to turn on my Kindle and look to answer this question.


They are a full page as a screen saver and a 1/2 inch or so bar along the bottom when you are on the menu. When you open a book they go away.


I have never seen anything even remotely offensive or in poor taste. Mine has an add for $30 off on gourmet food at Amazon at the moment.

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