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Why SAT questions of the day seem so easy? and other ??

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With dd, I was able to sign up to get the SAT qod and started to do them myself. After awhile, both dd and myself came to the same conclusion - they seem so easy - usually.


I never did go through the books that ds3 used to prep for the actual exam, so am now wondering -


has anyone compared these practice questions (received by email each day) to the ones in the prep books?


and to the actual exam?


Are they all the same in difficulty?


Does anyone have any other observations about these emailed questions?




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I agree that most of the e-mailed questions seem easy to me, but for the math questions, rarely do kids even in our top math classes at my school get them correct (remember my school scores below average on the test). I save them and use them for warm ups when I'm in.


Questions in prep books have a greater variety of difficulty and problem types (plus I like Barrons - a harder book). I would never use just the QOD as prep, but I do find it to be a quick and easy daily review to keep skills up.

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Does anyone have any other observations about these emailed questions?





I agree that they seem easy.


My biggest problem with the question of the day is that there are never any questions on reading passages. Those are the types of questions my son most needed to practice.

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Dd stopped doing them long ago because she's says they're all too easy and not at all like the ones she doesn't get on the tests. The prep books give a better mix. But the QOD is a good starting place, just not what's needed once the student is missing mostly only the harder questions on the tests.

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Agreeing that these questions seem easy. If students were unaccustomed to standardized exams, perhaps they might be helpful. But modern students have been filling in bubble sheets their entire lives. (Ugh to that.) If anything, I wonder if the SAT question of the day leads students to develop a false sense of security. As was pointed out, they do not include reading passages.


After a couple of weeks we thought they were a waste of time.



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My 8th grade son has been doing these daily for several weeks. He has yet to see a word that he didn't know the meaning of...so he came to the conclusion that it was time to put away his WWW..."The vocabulary words on the SAT questions are easy."




I will be glad to show him this thread!

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This thread is bumming me out about my ps... as I said earlier... most kids here do NOT get these qu's correct even in our top classes. (sigh)


Yes, there's an academic reason I chose to homeschool... a BIG academic reason.


But youngest son insists on ps. (another sigh) He's in France this week (class trip), but we'll be resuming prep when he returns (prep with 3 of his friends). Hopefully they'll rise above their school.

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Thanks for all the comments...


The 'reading passages' point is a good one...


Should we write and complain?


It seems like they should have levels of questions - for people just starting, give them an easier level, up to questions that are the most difficult for more experienced...


But I don't think it's good to give false sense of competence. My dd was saying - I think I'm ready to take the SAT - and I wouldn't really think that she is...


After my comment to creekland...I'll start a little letter...


This thread is bumming me out about my ps... as I said earlier... most kids here do NOT get these qu's correct even in our top classes. (sigh)


If it's any consolation - I did find a couple of the math questions harder and recently I haven't had time to do them and have just deleted them.


Draft of potential letter to the College board...


Dear Sir/Madam,


After my dear child's 13th birthday, she signed up to get the free SAT question of the day - and I did with her.


I have been quite disappointed though because the questions seem to be giving her a sense of complacency which she doesn't quite deserve from my analysis of her regular work.


Is there any way that you could make levels for the questions - eg people could sign up for level 1, level 2, etc?


Or perhaps you could include in these daily questions, a higher percentage of more difficult ones?


Also we have noted a lack of reading passages with comprehension questions - what about having that type of question which is so important?


Sincerely yours,



If anyone would like to edit or add to this letter please do so - and I can add your name to it...If anyone else would like to be signatory - let me know.



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