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Math input please. I still haven't figured this out.

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I'm still unsure what to do about math for my ds (5th grade) and dd (8th grade). Both of them will be attending the private school that their older sister attends starting in 9th grade.


For my oldest dd I talked to a counselor the spring before she was going to start 8th grade at home. Even though dd was ready to start algebra in 8th grade the counselor (who seemed very anti-homeschooling) persuaded me to have dd take algebra freshman year, which apparently was the norm for "average students". The problem is that this year my dd started as a sophomore at the private school she attends and she is "behind" in math. At this school they usually take algebra in 7th or 8th grade. Over the past few weeks I have talked to several parents at this school and it seems that they are now even pushing the stronger math students to take algebra in 7th grade.


My other dd will be starting 8th grade in a few months. She completed Lial's BCM in May and also did a few lessons in the BJU pre-algebra book. My plan is to have her do Lial's Intro to algebra in 8th grade so that she can take geometry her freshman year. Now I am worried though because I read on the high school board that sometimes students have difficulty going from BCM straight to algebra. She is pretty strong in math.


I'm also trying to plan math for my ds (5th grade). He is strong in math and finished the Bob Jones 5th grade book in May. I was planning on having him do BJU 6th grade this year but when I look at that book and the 7th grade book it seems that most of it is review of what he has already learned up until now. I was almost thinking about having him do BCM in 5th and 6th grade but I'm worried that it would be too mature for him. I'm also nervous about him doing algebra in 7th grade because that means that I would have to teach him geometry in 8th and geometry is definitely not my strong point.


Any suggestions as to how I could schedule his math for the next few years that would best prepare him for high school? Do you think I should just aim for him to start geometry freshman year or algebra 2 freshman year? I would also like to use the books that I have at home if possible. I have BJU up through 8th grade, Lial's BCM, Lials Intro to Algebra and Chalkboard algebra, which I haven't really used.


I'd also appreciate input regarding my dd and if you think it will be ok for her to start algebra after just doing BCM.

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I was just thinking about this lately too. I have a 6th grader next fall and I think I'll have her do:




10th-Alg II



We're using Abeka right now but may switch to TT or Chalkdust for the higher maths.

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I haven't done the exact switch over you are talking about, but I can say that my eldest dd, did just fine with a strong base of basic math going into algebra. Some algebra classes have a more "pre-algebra" like beginning than others, so this can effect the transition. Perhaps you could do a summer pre-algebra program, without spending the whole year on it?


I am using Math Essentials elementary this summer with my dd (11) and then will use Lial's in 6th grade. We have also been using Aleks this summer to help locate any gaps. We drill the basic facts daily with flash card magic. I may try the DOMA test at the end of the summer to try and see what type of progress we are making.


Both girls had a math explosion around these ages (eldest was 10, youngest 11), where suddenly they had/have the maturation level to get a lot more of what we are doing!


Anyway, I know this isn't a direct answer, but hopefully something in here will help!



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I too am in the same boat. My dd 5th grade will be going to a private college prep high school as well. Because her brothers attended I know she needs to be ahead in Math and English. Find out what the high school math program is. What grade they expect to take what. At this school it is Pre-Alg, Alg 1, Geom, Alg 2, Trig, Pre Cal, Cal. that they offer. She needs to go in at Geom to be in honors science classes.


Currently we are using Saxon and am looking at 6/5 for 5th grade. DD does not care for it but I like it. I have looked at horizon and TT but can't make up my mind. TT looks like a good program but my dd tested to take 6th grade math, this concerns me that the program may be behind. Maybe theres a year you can skip like in Saxon, I don't know.


I think most program are all the same. 5th, 6th, and 7th grade is the same math with lots of drill to get the child to learn it. I like saxon because its a little of all of it all the time. Not just one sections, learn it, and move on.


Good luck, Tami

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I was just thinking about this lately too. I have a 6th grader next fall and I think I'll have her do:




10th-Alg II

11-Trig (pre-calculus)




I use BJU and my plan is pretty much on target with 2cents, except for taking Pre-cal in 11th instead of Trig.


Just this year I was trying to decide between starting my son on BJU's 7th grade math for 6th or doing the 6th and possibly skipping the 7th text. After looking closely at both books, I have decided to go with the 6th grade text for 6th grade, it seems meatier. The 7th grade book looks to be basically a 'wrap-up' of everything the child has learned through the years. My son seems to be pretty solid in math so we may jump into Pre-Alg in 7th. I will make that final decision after 6th grade math; if he does very well I will skip to pre-alg. If just so-so and I feel he hasn't got everything down solid, I will continue into the 7th grade math text. I am not in a hurry.


I don't know if it is wise to put all children on a fast track in math. Not every child is ready for Algebra in 8th grade!!! My oldest sure wasn't. In fact it took him two loooong years to get through Algebra 1 and he began in the 10th grade! Algebra was torture for him and he just did not understand it.


My middle son took Algebra 1 in 8th grade (with older bro), Geometry in 9th, Algebra 2 in 10th, and Pre-Calculus in 11th, but he decided to drop Pre-Calculus 2nd semester so that he could brush-up on basic math concepts that he seemed to have forgotten over the years (fractions, percents, ratios, etc.). He planned to graduate early (11th grade) and the thought of taking his college assessment tests this Fall and bombing them because he couldn't remember how to add inequivalent fractions was just far too mortifying for him. ;)


So his advice is to NOT move too quickly through your basic math courses. Get them down solid. Yes, it is nice on a transcript to have gotten through Calculus before graduation, but if you rush through without a firm grasp on the main building blocks, you're only hurting yourself in the end and may find yourself having to take Math50 in college! If you insist on the fast track, be sure to take pit stops along the way and brush up on the basics.


This is a child who has always gotten all A's and B's in math, and according to the public school system was tested as "gifted."


Just food for thought...

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I've been looking at all these books for my ds too. I have these books: Chalkdust's Basic Math and Prealgebra. I also have Lial's BCM. I do like the set-up of Lial's better, but looking at the text book itself, I don't see that it's enough prep. for Algebra 1. There may be many kids that can make the transition from BCM to Alg 1, but most of mine wouldn't. Lial's BCM has alot of arithmetic in it, and only one chapter called "Basic Algebra". I'm using BCM now for a child that needs some review in certain concepts. However, for my upcoming 7th grader, I don't feel comfortable that BCM will be enough prep. for Algebra 1, so we're going with Chalkdust's Prealgebra.


CD has this sequence:

---Basic Math in 6th ( the TOC similar to BCM, but it has extra chapters on metric measurement and applications for business)

----Prealgebra in 7th


My only suggestion to use is to get a hold of a used copy of Lial's or Chalkdust's Prealgebra and see for yourself what would work best for your child as you know her best, whether she can go straight onto Introductory Alg. or not.... maybe by using the prep. tests for each chapter.





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I would use Chalkdust for your oldest. For your youngest, if you think that BJU 6th is too repetitious, if there are tests, you could go forward to the tests. If he does well, don't cover the chapter and if there are holes, go back and finish the coursework.

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Pre-Algebra texts are 90% arithmetic. I have SEVERAL different texts. I've also taught this level for nearly 25 years...


BCM is right there with other Pre-Algebra texts. Some other texts mix the placement of variables up (introducing them sooner) but this is not necessarily better (or worse).


My oldest dd went from BCM smoothly into Introductory Algebra. I did have her complete the first chapter of Intro (many skip this one). DD also has learning differences...


I've had several of my tutoring students also use BCM and they ALL went smoothly into Intro.


I'm really not sure what else one could put in a Pre-Algebra text... other than more ALGEBRA--and since Algebra 1 is Introductory Algebra...oh well...I guess I'm just trying to say that you can relax.


There seems to be a big push for Algebra 1 to be completed before high school. I see this as UNFORTUNATE because MOST students are just not mature (Logically) enough and many of these courses end up being watered down. VERY VERY few 17 year olds are ready for Calculus--our local schools are scrambling to find 'filler' courses for high school Srs to take after Pre-Calc because it is evident that MOST students are just not ready yet...one year makes a HUGE difference!

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My oldest dd will be a non math major (elementary ed in college). She gets A's in math but definitely not an easy class for her.


She had algebra in 9th, geometry in 10th, will have algebra 2 in 11th and stats/trig in 12th. I'm worried that she won't have enough math for the ACT next year.


My next dd (currently in 8th) strong in math and will possibly go into a science field (vet or weather related)


will have algebra 8th grade, geometry in 9th, algebra 2 in 10th, stats/trig in 11th and pre-calc/discrete in 12th.


My ds (currently in 5th) would probably follow the same path as above sister. He could probably be a year ahead of that but I don't want to push it. It would also mean that he would have calc in 12th but would have to take it a the community college instead of the high school since they don't offer it there.

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The ACT test and SAT test both go only to Algebra 2--maybe a little intro to Trig.


If your student has completed most of an Algebra 2 course they should be fine. I DO suggest that they complete at least 2 different test prep programs though--to get used to the format of the questions. It is not really a matter of teaching to the test--but there are a MILLION different ways to ask the same question...so the test prep books help the student widen their understanding/expectations.


It is really NO BIG DEAL if a student does not take Calculus in high school---VERY VERY few elementary teachers even take it in college!


Even for your future 'vet'--Calc in high school might help--but a good percentage of students who take Calc in high school REPEAT it in College...I would ALWAYS go with a strong foundation over just 'completing' a level.


If a student only completes Pre-Calc in high school they can still take Calc 1 as a summer school course before going full time into college--IF they need that level course for pre-requisite purposes.


Also note that Pre-Calc is a 'new' name for Trig and College Algebra combined into a 2 semester course. Material is the SAME. If Pre-Calc is taken at a community college then it is the same material SQUISHED into a one-semester course.

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