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Any one using Evan Moor's books?


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hi all,

I am pretty nervous that whether my selection of EM spelling,grammer and Science covers whole years curriculum for grade 4 and 5.

If anyone using EM books as a core curriculum then pls. tell me about their selection and journey through EM books.

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Only for a bit of supplement for geography and reading. I don't think they offer much in terms of teaching material and real quality. They are good as a change of pace/ supplement. If you want inexpensive grammar, try KISS grammar online or an older book such at Grammar Land. For science, search out guides for chemistry or physics that will use mostly books you can find used of at the library. I like Living Books curriculum and suggestions from Ambleside Online. Another idea, is to look at the curriculum that people on this site place at the bottom of their posts. It might give you an idea of places to start.

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I would NOT choose E-M as your spine. IMHO they are not "meaty" enough. The products are great as supplements though. They also make great workbooks if you are travelling and just need to keep your kiddo in school mode but don't have the time to sit down and do a formal lesson.

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I personally think the spelling could stand alone. The grammar might be ok if you combine it or supplement it.


I will be using 6 trait writing alongside Queen's Language Lessons.


I don't see the point of the Science at all. I looked at the samples online and it looks like it just preparing students for standardized tests.

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Also only use Evan Moor as a supplement (love their Literature Pockets and History Pockets!!), but the grammar, spelling, and science look fine. And they do say "Correlated to State Standards" so I'm not sure why you are nervous. Grammar and Spelling should be fine. Science at that age can be whatever you want it to be (unless your state has different requirements), so there's no reason you can't use EM for Science. Do you have more specific reasons why you are nervous? We can try and address specific issues if you give us more information.

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Perkybunch,thanx for an encouraged post.

Yesterday,someone said me that EM products are not complete curricula at all so I got confused.That's why I made a query today here.

You think that I can go for EM spelling and grammer ,EM Science books for complete Science curriculum confidently?

As I am a busy homeschool mom ,though have Scottsforesman Science but it takes too much time so digging for short but complete Science curriculum?

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Perkybunch,thanx for an encouraged post.

Yesterday,someone said me that EM products are not complete curricula at all so I got confused.That's why I made a query today here.

You think that I can go for EM spelling and grammer ,EM Science books for complete Science curriculum confidently?

As I am a busy homeschool mom ,though have Scottsforesman Science but it takes too much time so digging for short but complete Science curriculum?


It's your homeschool. You get to decide. This board has some homeschoolers that have super-rigorous schedules for their kiddoes. That's their choice, and I suspect those are the ones who are telling you no. It wouldn't be enough for their kids. Fine. It's your kids. I am not as rigorous as some on this board. My dc's learning style does not permit it, even if I wanted to. You do what's right for your family. Personally, I would be fine with your choices for my own dd from a content standpoint. I need full color, generally, so I wouldn't choose them for that reason, but they look perfectly fine to me.

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Hi, I used EM Beginning Geography as a stand alone this year for my K'er and 2nd grader. I really didn't want to speand a lot of time on Geo but wanted to get some basics in and EM worked great. Next Year I plan to use Read and Understand Science (I think these look great!). I will likely use them along side lots of other books and home made experiemnts but I will still use them a lot. We like to go off on a bunch of wild tangents with science so I don't like anything too structured. I also use the EM Paragraph Editing once a week to mix up FLL grammer with my oldest and I plan on using the EM How to teach Art to Children.


So I guess all I am saying is that I really like a lot of EM resources! I say reas through them and if you think they will suit your needs than go for it :)

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Thanx agarnett!!!!

I am happy that I am recieving positive responses now.

What will you use for Geography in grade 3 after current book EM Beginning Geography ?

I also really don't want to spend a lot of time on Science and Geo but wanted to get some important basics in ,so looking for EM products......

I will now go for them surely.....

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Thanx agarnett!!!!

I am happy that I am recieving positive responses now.

What will you use for Geography in grade 3 after current book EM Beginning Geography ?

I also really don't want to spend a lot of time on Science and Geo but wanted to get some important basics in ,so looking for EM products......

I will now go for them surely.....



We are going to use Gr. 2 Daily Geography next year so I can continue to combine my kids. We won't do it every day (likely only 2x/week). I am also looking at the continents books.

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I think you just really need to look at the books you want to use and compare them to other programs and see how they compare. I actually think EM has some very good and high-quality books. I find that their Everyday Literacy Science for Pre-K to 1st Grade to be exceptional and complete for the age. We are using the first grade program for our kindergarten science right now. I also think Beginning Geography is just as good, if not better than similar "official" workbooks on the market. A lot of people here use it.


I have no experience with higher grades. I would lean toward using other curriculum for core subjects and use their products as supplements or for electives. If I were in a real financial crunch, I may try really hard to make the most of their products, though.

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Is this in Teacher FileBox?


Hi, I used EM Beginning Geography as a stand alone this year for my K'er and 2nd grader. I really didn't want to speand a lot of time on Geo but wanted to get some basics in and EM worked great. Next Year I plan to use Read and Understand Science (I think these look great!). I will likely use them along side lots of other books and home made experiemnts but I will still use them a lot. We like to go off on a bunch of wild tangents with science so I don't like anything too structured. I also use the EM Paragraph Editing once a week to mix up FLL grammer with my oldest and I plan on using the EM How to teach Art to Children.


So I guess all I am saying is that I really like a lot of EM resources! I say reas through them and if you think they will suit your needs than go for it :)

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We've used both history and lit pockets and they've worked out fine. A lot of cutting/pasting and dare I say busy work but my daughter likes to color, cut and paste so there you have it.


We will be using the Word A Day and Daily Language Review next year as supplements. Both look simple to slide into our day and are short and sweet and to the point. I have downloaded two of the science ebooks and the positive thing about them is if you are running unit studies they do provide a nice framework.

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We use EM for spelling and geography. We like it for the spelling as a standalone, but both vocabulary and geography, because of everything else we do, become cross curricular.


We also use the math books as supplementary materials to a core curriculum.


I like Evan Moor a lot.

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I have only used them for supplement as well. We use the daily books for Geography, paragraph editing, writing, and language review. They are good review work. The only one that I don't use as supplement is the Geography. I do not have a Geography curriculum for this year so just using this book.

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I used Daily Language Fundamentals as my only "language arts" on grade level this year for 6th, 3rd, & 1st.

It started out pretty rough, particularly for my 3rd grader (with pluralization rules). Not enough instruction, examples or practice. In fact, I posted here about it. However, we stuck with it at a two page a day spread pace and finished...at least a month ago. Maybe two months now. It hit all the tested areas but by the time they take the standardized tests this spring they may well have forgotten it all!


Definitely going to do something more for language arts next year! I guess I should say why I didn't switch to something more rich, rigorous, and teacher-intensive this year: LA for my boys "got done" daily with two high schoolers, Tapestry of Grace, and new puppy, and a two year old. :)

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I agree that I love Evan Moor products for supplementing. My home school association here is South Carolina will not let me choose them as core curriculum however. Their position is the books are great practice, but don't teach all the needed material especially in the older grades. If you go to their website they state under their about us and mission, their materials are meant to supplement core curriculum. So my guess is that you will find you need to add additional material. All it means for correlation to state standards is that the material is grade appropriate and is supplementing what is being taught in the classroom. it isn't trying to say it teaches everything needed for that grade. So this isn't to say don't use them, but I would be very cautious in using as your spine.

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I'm using daily geo this year and it is very light ... but that is all we needed. DS thinks it is "easy" but I think he is learning and we didn't want to hit him over the head with geo this year (we are really still focusing on the 3Rs) so I thought it was a perfect fit.

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Thanks Perky!

could you tell me which curriculum (LA,Science,Geography)are you using with your kiddos?what r their ages?


Well, we just finished 5th grade, so I will give you our 6th grade plans:

Language Arts:

EM Tall Tales Literature Pockets, followed by selections from BJU As Full As the World

Spectrum Spelling 6

Language Smarts D by Critical Thinking Company

Winning with Writing 2



Maps Charts Graphs C, D, E



Misc. Resources. I bought a couple of the My Pals Are Here 5/6 Singapore Science -- Systems and Interactions. I know I want to cover Cells, because we haven't, and my dd requested Magnets AGAIN, so I got some hands on stuff for those. Plus I want to cover Simple Machines so I got a mini bulletin board set, a book called Castle Under Siege, and the Simple Machines Set from Learning Resources.


Hope this helps!

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