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Apparently I have an old browser....

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:lol: That actually sounds funny for some weird reason.

Today, when I logged out of my hotmail (which I rarely check), this page was there that says,

"You're running an outdated version of Internet Explorer, which scores a 1 out of 4 for security. For a safe browsing experience with Hotmail, upgrade to Internet Explorer 8."

According to them, I have Internet Explorer 7. Then there's a button to click for a free upgrade, and underneath that it says, "By clicking "Free Upgrade" you agree to the Internet Explorer software license terms, privacy statement, and system requirements."

Ugh....I hate stuff like this. Should I be doing this or does it really not matter? Is this only to have "a safe browsing experience with Hotmail"? I don't browse hotmail. I check mine once or twice a month. I don't want to mess up my favorites or anything either. I guess I don't know what this means or if I should do it or not. Usually if something on the computer tells me to do something I immediately think it's a scam or something.

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If your IE is that out of date, I would recommend going to the microsoft windows update website and downloading patches (including IE).


Yes, that. Either do via Windows Update or from Microsoft's website, not through a third party, especially one like Hotmail. (and by owning IE, you have already agreed to the EULA, so that's nothing new. )

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So, which is the official Microsoft website, and what am I to do when I get there? Also....what is EULA?


Um... Microsoft.com? EULA is End User License Agreement, the thing that says you will be prosecuted for repackaging and selling the software, etc.

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:iagree: don't download anything from a pop-up window. Go right to the actual source.


It wasn't a pop-up.


Here you go. This is for IE 9.


EULA = End-user license agreement.


Thanks.....maybe this is for 8.


Um... Microsoft.com? EULA is End User License Agreement, the thing that says you will be prosecuted for repackaging and selling the software, etc.


Are you using a tone with me? Because I distinctly hear a tone coming from you............



Edited by ~AprilMay~
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