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Textbook based US History for 8th grade - Recommendations??

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Dd13 will be in 8th grade next year and she's asked for a textbook based history program for US History.


Over the years she has used SL, WP, A Beka and CLE. She is an avid reader but doesn't want a book heavy program like SL or WP. She's using CLE7 this year but I'm not that thrilled with it. She has loved A Beka in the past. I want a really good overview of US History for her.


I looked at Notgrass' America the Beautiful. I'd love to hear any experience with this one. What I see says it's for 5th to 8th. Is it indepth enough for a strong 8th grader?


I'd love any and all suggestions :001_smile:



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I thought Notgrass' America the Beautiful was strong enough for an 8th grader, especially if you do it one year. You could add more historical fiction since there are only 8-10 for the year. You can also look at their high school American History, Exploring America. I have a friend who is doing that with her 8th grader but over 2 years. The Notgrasses are so nice to talk with and very helpful. Their material is so awesome!

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That's a good age for using Joy Hakim's History of US.






Many libraries have this set. You will love it or hate it - it just has that effect on people:lol:. Preview it to see which camp you are in before you decide. We loved it when dc were in 5th & 7th, but it is supposed to be a high school course, so it is strong enough for 8th too!

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I thought Notgrass' America the Beautiful was strong enough for an 8th grader, especially if you do it one year. You could add more historical fiction since there are only 8-10 for the year. You can also look at their high school American History, Exploring America. I have a friend who is doing that with her 8th grader but over 2 years. The Notgrasses are so nice to talk with and very helpful. Their material is so awesome!


That is what I plan to do as well. We'll be using the lesson review book rather than the student workbook for younger students, and I'll be supplementing with more literature as well. I am going to occasionally throw in a bit from SOTW as I feel led to so we can discuss other events happening around the world during the same time frame without getting too deep. I just want to beef up the ATB since dd will be a strong 8th grader that has been with TOG for three years and is used to a lot more reading. I think ATB looks really wonderful though. I've been thumbing through Book I this morning and really like what I see.




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