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Dr. Hive - my child hit her head, what to do?

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My almost three year old fell backwards in a chair and bonked her head on the floor. She cried for a little bit, showed me where the "boo boo" was and then fell asleep. I don't know if I should be concerned or not. Is it OK for her to fall asleep? My instincts say she seemed fine and if it were me, I would probably enjoy sleeping after a bonk to the head. But there's a lot of information out there saying don't let them sleep after a head injury.

Fwiw, there's no bleeding or bump.

What should I do?

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Was it normal nap time and she fell asleep because she was tired?


Or was it surprising to you that she fell asleep at that time of day?


If the hit was hard enough to cause a concussion, she shouldn't sleep and/or you should wake her every (hour? two hours? I forget....).


I'd probably wake her and check her pupils. Are they equal? Reacting normally to light? Then probably okay to let her sleep, just wake her at regular intervals to be sure. If she starts throwing up, go to the doctor or ER.


But I am not a medical professional, at all, just my "what I'd do" scenario.

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It was not an unreasonable nap time for her, which was one reason I thought it was OK for her to sleep. However, she rarely actually takes a nap anymore. I called the pediatrician's office and the nurse recommended waking her up if for no other reason than my peace of mind. That made a lot of sense. So, now she's awake (and fussy), but OK. Thanks, everyone.

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The keeping them awake isn't necessary - google it. What matters most is how she is acting - if her pupils are dilated differently, if she's walking funny, if she lost consciousness, if she vomits - those are cause for concern. If it was a bump and she cried and then calmed down she's likely ok.

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The keeping them awake isn't necessary - google it. What matters most is how she is acting - if her pupils are dilated differently, if she's walking funny, if she lost consciousness, if she vomits - those are cause for concern. If it was a bump and she cried and then calmed down she's likely ok.


:iagree: Watch for vomiting, lethargy, dizziness etc. Falling asleep after a trauma is very normal and perfectly ok. :)

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