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Scripture memory verse resource/songs/app!


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We did sonlight's "Sing the Word" this year and the kids loved the songs. I was looking into what to do for next year as I've never beena KJV type (sing the word uses KJV)


I stumbled across fighter verse from children desiring God website. I emailed to ask some questions and it turns out they have apps for apple and android. Songs are in ESVbut I found at least one verse that doesn't have a song yet.


Here is the Website and the resource looks very rich


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I ordered BSGFAA for this coming year, but I'm not too fond of the Bible story layout (will probably be selling it). I mainly liked the Timeline cards and memory songs (along with memorization schedule/drills).


This looks like something I'll find useful. Thanks for sharing. Wish they had a samples though...

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oh and this is what I originally found - I'm a little confused by it all to be truthful but the app in itself is very useful




Oh, awesome! I definitely like that!

THAT is what I was wanting from BSGFAA (which to me feels disjointed with it's jump-around approach...also feels better suited toward a larger group setting like Sunday School....) Anyway, I like these cards. I probably could make them myself.... but why re-create the wheel? ;)

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Well, I've had a happy trigger finger this week (waiting on 4 orders currently)...and I just hit order on the Foundations Verses cards. Hopefully, we'll get some good use from them!


(I also work as Children's Minister @ our church, so if DDs don't like them, I can always take them to "work". :))


For those looking for Bible verses set to music, check out Seeds Family Worship. They have several volumes available.

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Well, I've had a happy trigger finger this week (waiting on 4 orders currently)...and I just hit order on the Foundations Verses cards. Hopefully, we'll get some good use from them!


Just got these in the mail. For those interested, know that they are TINY. Half-an index card (half of a 3x5) tiny. And they ship in a huge box (shipping was $6, IIRC!?) Maybe they give the dimensions on the site, but I didn't look. Anyway, still relatively pleased...but was expecting something a bit....larger.

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