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Super Sentences & Perfect Paragraphs $1.00 at Scholastic


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Super Sentences & Perfect Paragraphs is on sale for a couple days for $1.00.


This is one open-and-go book I will use. It has sample sentences with grammar explanations, that serve as a model for a student to compose a sentence.


I had never thought--before looking at this workbook--of looking through an English handbook, and using the model sentences as a composition model. I have found that adding punctuation to long lists of sentences is not all that effective. I think instead that composing just one sentence from a model would be far more effective.


This is really worth the $1.00 for the worksheets themselves, but also as a model of how to use an old grammar book without an answer key, or a handbook to create practice work.

Edited by Hunter
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Is this a paper book or an electronic downloadable book? Our computer access makes e-books unworkable, and for most good things on Scholastic these days, I am only finding an e-book version. Or is there some other place to click or ??? to find the paper versions?

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The $1 books through Scholastic's Teacher Express are the instant download ebooks.


Someone posted a coupon code earlier today on another thread that can be used during the sale for an even larger discount. I am off to track down the code and give it a try. Thanks for the heads up about Super Sentences. I am looking for some quick and easy activities to do over summer.

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I've started this curriculum this afternoon already with an adult student I tutor. It is just perfect for her right now. She composed her sentence the best she could in her old style of handwriting. Then we talked about the attributes of a sentence in general, and then about her sentence, and then I copied her sentence in the Spalding font. Then she copied it in correct cursive. It was her first composition written in cursive :-) She was pleased.

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I really like this curriculum. It takes less than 15 minutes. This has completely changed how I teach grammar.


Not only do I like these open-and-go worksheets for now, but I will be writing my own worksheets in the future, based upon this method. I want more sentences that focus on punctuation, and to use the exact terminology that Spalding uses.

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I noticed they also have graphic organizers for this book.


Do you use those also?


In another download or the main one? Are you talking about the paragraph lessons? I'm only using the sentence lessons. I've got other stuff for essay and paragraphs that I like better. My newest tweak to paragraph and essay teaching is the Bing, Bang, Bongo method and will be rewriting all that I use, to accommodate that vocabulary.


At first glance I wasn't grabbed and held by the paragraph lessons. I didn't look at them long enough to know if they are good or not in GENERAL. I just have no need for them, at this time.

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Marie, WOW! Thank you. I missed those.


Here's the story behind the first two. I have decided to drop Shurley until next year when we start Voyages, so I was on a hunt for some extra resources.


The third one is for Malcolm but Adrian saw it and says he will use it to teach Malcolm ;). He will never admit that he wants it for himself too :lol:!


ETA: You're welcome.

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Here's the story behind the first two. I have decided to drop Shurley until next year when we start Voyages, so I was on a hunt for some extra resources.


The third one is for Malcolm but Adrian saw it and says he will use it to teach Malcolm ;). He will never admit that he wants it for himself too :lol:!


ETA: You're welcome.


It is so easy to miss great stuff at Scholastic! The search and the divisions are awful.


The mats look cute and useful, for a student who needs reduced handwriting while learning phonics. I just finished a combined handwriting/phonics lesson about an hour or so ago, and it was...draining. Necessary for the student, but draining. Her handwriting is worse than her phonics so we don't need a supplant like this, but believe me I see it's value!

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Whenever there's a sale I dedicate several hours :tongue_smilie:, meaning I lose sleep over it :lol:. I have sat in front of the screen until my head is ready to drop. I just printed a book for Adrian and 48 pages just drained my AIO HP printer. We will be investing in a laser soon. Grandpa is sending some money for the boys and that is where we have decided to spend it. This printer is an ink guzzler!

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Thank you! And here I thought I already had all the Scholastic $1 books that I could ever need. :lol:


Stay away from Hunter and I. We will find you books you never even realized you needed ;)!

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:smilielol5:I just checked the page with "My Downloads". It says 123. Minus one that they exchanged because it was a double, I have 122 Scholastic books.

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I'm not looking at how many I own! This is the biggest sale yet. It's too big. It's wasting my time.


I only have one study skills book in my cart right now. The rest are only wish listed. I need to get more selective. It's been like library books to have access to so many e-books. I have skimmed, but not used most of them. It's been good, but...I need to spend less time on them...maybe?


This sentence book, though. Well, it's worth $50.00 and a week of wasted time to me. The worksheets are excellent, but it's the IDEA that is so fantastic.

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In another download or the main one? Are you talking about the paragraph lessons? I'm only using the sentence lessons.






There is a long list of graphic organizers at the bottom of the page. Are these just individual lessons pulled from the book and sold separately, or supplements to the book?



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There is a long list of graphic organizers at the bottom of the page. Are these just individual lessons pulled from the book and sold separately, or supplements to the book?




They are pages from the big book. If you look at the bottom of the one you linked you will see the page numbers that correspond to the book. In other words, the whole book is cheaper than its parts :lol:.

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I'm not looking at how many I own! This is the biggest sale yet. It's too big. It's wasting my time.


I only have one study skills book in my cart right now. The rest are only wish listed. I need to get more selective. It's been like library books to have access to so many e-books. I have skimmed, but not used most of them. It's been good, but...I need to spend less time on them...maybe?


This sentence book, though. Well, it's worth $50.00 and a week of wasted time to me. The worksheets are excellent, but it's the IDEA that is so fantastic.


I have taken the time to look at certain books from previous sales and if I like what I see I save then in my wishlist. This saves me a bit of time when there's a new sale. That said, yes, this sale has taken quite a bit of my time too. However, what I do to save some time is focus on grades (PK-K for Malcolm and 3+ for Adrian). I only click on those categories and the Teacher Resources. Those are my three main categories. Then I just go hunting for subjects that I feel I don't have enough of what I need. Given the price of the books, I don't care if I only use a part of them or just get an idea that I will then expand on. We have liked what we have used so far :) and it has been money well spent for me.

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I can't stop searching either. I just found this one I hadn't seen before: http://teacherexpress.scholastic.com/a-year-of-hands-on-science it looks great.


I didn't get that one (I did see it). I bought this one instead that we will be using next year:




I want to follow a WTM approach to science for grades 3 and 4 with my son and since we are jumping in in the middle I am doing a Year 1 and 2 combo for grade 3 and beefing up the resources. Then we will do a combo of the other two years (3 and 4) for grade 4. This book will be great for next year :).

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Okay, yes. Focus on what I NEED. I need to stop worrying about what I might be missing and focus on what I NEED.


Skills. That is why I like Super Sentences so much. Skills! I must focus!


Simka2, I canNOT recommend a workbook. I STRONGLY believe in teaching the method in WRTR that does not need worksheets. Clocks, long and short upswings, straight lines, connectors. You teach the student the script and make them repeat it as they draw the letter. It takes just hours, not weeks to introduce the letters. It takes weeks, not years to master handwriting. It's intense, but over with quickly.


It's kind of like potty training. You can camp out with the toddler in the kitchen and push fluids while wearing nothing but new regular underwear. There is a flood every half hour or so and you grab toddler and throw on potty, while he screams about the stream running down his leg. You are both uncomfortable. It's intense. It's over quickly.


Or you can buy trainers and stretch it out, and out, and out.

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Simka2, I canNOT recommend a workbook. I STRONGLY believe in teaching the method in WRTR that does not need worksheets. Clocks, long and short upswings, straight lines, connectors. You teach the student the script and make them repeat it as they draw the letter. It takes just hours, not weeks to introduce the letters. It takes weeks, not years to master handwriting. It's intense, but over with quickly.


It's kind of like potty training. You can camp out with the toddler in the kitchen and push fluids while wearing nothing but new regular underwear. There is a flood every half hour or so and you grab toddler and throw on potty, while he screams about the stream running down his leg. You are both uncomfortable. It's intense. It's over quickly.


Or you can buy trainers and stretch it out, and out, and out.



I know, but I am cheap!!!! ;)


Edited: I just found WRTR on a shelf *duh!,* but in looking through it I do not see anything about cursive. Now, I am confused.

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Simka2, I canNOT recommend a workbook. I STRONGLY believe in teaching the method in WRTR that does not need worksheets. Clocks, long and short upswings, straight lines, connectors. You teach the student the script and make them repeat it as they draw the letter. It takes just hours, not weeks to introduce the letters. It takes weeks, not years to master handwriting. It's intense, but over with quickly.


It was why I didn't reply. I have not bothered with cursive materials either. Spalding ;) is the way we will be going for handwriting also.

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I know, but I am cheap!!!! ;)


:lol: Well then, did you put the word "cursive" in the search engine and see what comes up ;)? That's what I do for specific topics I am looking for.

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It is so easy to miss great stuff at Scholastic! The search and the divisions are awful.





Make sure you are signed on when adding things to your cart. I was excited about a few I had put in my cart....walked away and they disappeard (timed out).


I am searching, but don't think I'll find them again today. :glare:

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Make sure you are signed on when adding things to your cart. I was excited about a few I had put in my cart....walked away and they disappeard (timed out).


I am searching, but don't think I'll find them again today. :glare:


Bummer! Tomorrow's the last day, so you have until then ;). If you had found some of the books on your list from the recent threads, do a search on the forum by typing "Scholastic". This might help a bit.


I need to get going. Have fund shopping everyone :)!

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What version of Writing Road to Reading do you have? It is easily available from any library. The 5th version is a bit better than the 4th. The 6th is in the mail, but I haven't seen it yet, and is supposed to have more handwriting. You can see examples of the cursive in the notebook pages in the 5th and use those as handwriting examples.


The cursive instructions are short, because the information is layered on top of the manuscript instructions, because the font is usually just joined manuscript letters. You will notice cursive letters grouped together by type. Notice which strokes have already been described in any letter for than group, and use those instructions for all similar letters, and have the student practice them together.


For those of you who are using Super Sentence, I think you will like this Word Study book. It has mini posters for: Big, nice, good, beautiful and said. It will be fairly simple to weave these lessons into the sentence writing lessons. Super Sentences practices the same grammar rule for a week. Towards the end of the week, require a sentence that uses a synonym for one of the 5 most overused words.


If you want to write sentences about the season/month/holiday themes First Writing Prompts will provide inspiration even for older students.


A Fresh Approach to Punctuation will provide non worksheet ways to study punctuation and looks phenomenal.

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I have these three from a previous sale and this is what we are currently using:








I need to buy some more ink for now, to print more and include the new ones.

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