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Waiting for the UPS man

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I bought a Kindle for my birthday present. Amazon tracking says it was delivered 15 minutes ago. But there was no knock, it wasn't outside on the stoop. I am about to die of impatience. Why would it show as delivered before it was delivered? Why are they torturing me?:willy_nilly:

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I was waiting for a package and checked on it through the tracking. It was marked as delivered in hand to boy child. My son was only 3 at the time and was not allowed to answer the door. No one near us had any small children that would have been home at the time it was supposedly delivered. It showed up the next day. I watched out the window as the UPS man threw it over the railing and onto the porch and left.

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UPS says they delivered it to the wrong address but I have to go through amazon now to try and get it sorted.


Wait a minute! They admit THEIR mistake but YOU have to fix it with Amazon?

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It's here!!!!


The lady I talked to said that since it was an Amazon package it had to go through them. She said that was Amazon's policy. I went to the website she gave, which had nothing on it anymore. So I went to the "Help" button. Amazon said to wait a few days. And that made me burst into tears. DH called UPS's 1800 number again and talked with someone else. The shipping address on Amazon was correct, so it was definitely UPS's fault. Through some more finagling (I think that's the word I want), they went and picked it up from the wrong address and brought it here!!!




I've been having so much fun with it reading back and forth between about five books. I'm in lurve :001_wub:

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It's here!!!!


The lady I talked to said that since it was an Amazon package it had to go through them. She said that was Amazon's policy. I went to the website she gave, which had nothing on it anymore. So I went to the "Help" button. Amazon said to wait a few days. And that made me burst into tears. DH called UPS's 1800 number again and talked with someone else. The shipping address on Amazon was correct, so it was definitely UPS's fault. Through some more finagling (I think that's the word I want), they went and picked it up from the wrong address and brought it here!!!




I've been having so much fun with it reading back and forth between about five books. I'm in lurve :001_wub:


UPS delivers my packages to the wrong address all.the.time. And it's always when it's something expensive- like a camera lens.


I am not impressed with their initial response to you, I think that was lazy and rude of them, but I'm glad they worked it out for you in the end!

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The last time this happened to me UPS sent a driver to get the package back from the wrong house and deliver it to me. It was their mistake, they had to fix it.


The time before that UPS delivered my LAPTOP to the house next door. DH went porch snooping to find the package and it was on the porch next door. He wasn't about to risk losing something that expensive.


I'm glad that UPS fixed the problem for you.

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