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Are there enough good children's e-books to justify a Kindle for a 9yo??


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My dd9 has enough $ saved that she could buy a Kindle. My hesitation is whether there are enough good (non-twaddle) e-books available for her to justify it. She is mature enough to take care of it. She reads on a 5th or 6th grade level, but is not ready for mature themes (she is a 3rd grader).


Does anyone have dc that have a Kindle and find it beneficial? I would get her the non-advertising version, and pay the extra$. And I would control what books were on it since it will be through my Amazon account.

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I think so. Pretty much anything she reads from the library will be available for the Kindle.


Just to let you know, the advertising version doesn't have anything questionable. All the ads I've ever seen were for books or shoes, stuff like that. It's worth the discount.

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I think so. Pretty much anything she reads from the library will be available for the Kindle.


Just to let you know, the advertising version doesn't have anything questionable. All the ads I've ever seen were for books or shoes, stuff like that. It's worth the discount.



Are the ads for specific books, or just overall discounts? I don't want her asking me what certain adult or teenage popular titles are about that she wouldn't have been exposed to otherwise, like the current Hunger Games or whatever its called that is all the rage right now.

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Definitely! We have a lot of books we use for school on my Kindle such as 'Famous Men of Rome', many read alouds, and books my boys are reading/have read- such as: 'Encyclopedia Brown', 'My Father's Dragon', 'Heaven is for Real'. Even my four year old likes me to read Beatrix Potter books to her from my Kindle.

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My only hesitation of a kindle would be the credit card linked to the account and if you have wifi at your home. It could rack up quickly if you aren't monitoring the kindle, etc.


There are some book advertisements but I haven't noticed anything inappropriate on them. I leave my kindle in view of all my little ones

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I posted something similar to this. We could only have gotten 3 of the 10 historical fiction books I was interested in via the Kindle Lending Library. Our library didn't have them either. I know she would love her "for fun" reading on there (and wouldn't take up a whole shelf of Warrior Cats) but I don't know if it is worth it if I can't use it for school books as well. My dd is 11 and ds is 9.

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I just bought a Kindle for my 10yo. In the last month, I have been happily "buying" many of the free e-books from Ambleside Online's Years 1-5. I've probably gotten 50 of them so far--completely for free. I estimated that these books would have been about $400 if I had gotten inexpensive print versions, so $100 for another Kindle is totally worth it to me.

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