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Online High School Classes - what's a bargain?

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I have been looking at some online classes and they seemed to be priced a bit higher than my budget.


I wondered since there are so many online providers now, does anyone know of some really good deals? i.e. good instruction, teachers, content, etc. for a really good price?


I am not saying that the price above is unreasonable nor am I saying it is expensive or cheap! I just wondered if there are some lower priced great opportunities out there?


Thanks, lisaj mom to 5:lurk5:

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I thought Oklahoma State University's German courses were a killer deal. The homeschool rate we paid was something like $250, and we didn't get billed until October/November. The course quality was very good, and we liked that it was self-paced. The student calls for tutoring sessions and the oral part of exams, so there's a speaking element to the courses also.


It's not a full curriculum, but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)

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www.currclick.com has some really affordable classes. My son is doing a twelve week high school lit class. The cost is $70.00. They are reading Tale of Two Cities, Pride and Prejudice, Silas Marner, Hinds Feet on High Places and The Hiding Place. The class meets once a week for an hour. My son really likes the class and my seventh grader is begging to take it too.


My boys have taken a class about Medal of Honor winners and a class about how the Electoral College works and how US Presidents are elected. In the political class, they had to design and submit a campaign poster for "Class President". The student then came up with slogans saying why they should be elected "class president' and everyone voted. :)


Currclick offers classes for science, foreign language and many other subjects. We have really enjoyed the classes we have taken and plan to take more.

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In the past, Landry Academy offered classes for about 50% off if you signed up (and paid) a year in advance. If they continue with this discount, they will probably post it in September 2012 for 2013/14 classes. I think I signed up in October 2011 for 2012/13 and received about 45% off.


They also have a "generic" class code option so you can get the discounted rate but select the actual class at a later date.

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I thought Oklahoma State University's German courses were a killer deal. The homeschool rate we paid was something like $250, and we didn't get billed until October/November. The course quality was very good, and we liked that it was self-paced. The student calls for tutoring sessions and the oral part of exams, so there's a speaking element to the courses also.


It's not a full curriculum, but I thought I'd throw it out there. :)


Sorry to hijack the thread, but when do you sign up for the fall for OSU German? Also, what would you add to make it a full curriculum?

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I've signed up as late as a week before we wanted to start school without a problem. But I sign up for things late.


Last year, they did fill up the German 1 and AP German classes.


Sabine, the director, really is quite helpful and will answer all kinds of questions; so don't hesitate to call.


I'm not sure what drives course capacity. The only limitation I can think of is having the staff to do weekly phone chats and grade tests and written assessments.

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Last year, they did fill up the German 1 and AP German classes.


I'm not sure what drives course capacity. The only limitation I can think of is having the staff to do weekly phone chats and grade tests and written assessments.


It was German 2 or 3 that I signed up that late.


But I can agree with the number of calls they have to do probably filling up the classes.

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but when do you sign up for the fall for OSU German? Also, what would you add to make it a full curriculum?


OSU German is a full curriculum. You don't need to add anything. Encourage your student to take advantage of the weekly phone calls to make sure they're getting enough speaking practice.


Both times that we signed up, I think I filled out the form during the early summer. You don't have to pay until they bill you in the fall.


Edited to add: OH!!! I see why you thought it wasn't a full curriculum! I meant that OSU doesn't offer all high school subjects, so it's not "full" in the sense that some of the online high school providers are full curriculum providers. It *is* a complete curriculum for German though. :) Sorry I wasn't clear there!

Edited by sailmom
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OSU German is a full curriculum. You don't need to add anything. Encourage your student to take advantage of the weekly phone calls to make sure they're getting enough speaking practice.


Both times that we signed up, I think I filled out the form during the early summer. You don't have to pay until they bill you in the fall.


Edited to add: OH!!! I see why you thought it wasn't a full curriculum! I meant that OSU doesn't offer all high school subjects, so it's not "full" in the sense that some of the online high school providers are full curriculum providers. It *is* a complete curriculum for German though. :) Sorry I wasn't clear there!


I took it to mean that the German class would need supplementation. I'm glad to hear that you don't think so.

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