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Anyone here own a Ferret?

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We had a ferret. He died a couple months ago :( We loved him. He was just so sweet. He wasn't very expensive at all. Pretty much the only recurring expense was food. He needed a cage (love the Ferret Nation ones), water bottle, and food dish. Then there were some toys for him and a scratching post. He had a towel that he came with when he got him from the Humane Society that he loved. It was funny that the ferret had a lovey. Oh, he had a litter box, too, and the litter was a recurring expense. He also had a hammock and a hanging enclosed pirate ship to sleep in. We got a leash for him but once we got comfortable with him running around the house on his own we really didn't use it much. Ferrets need their nails clipped about once every week or two. They love attention. You need to play with them *a lot.* They are super social. If I got another ferret I think I'd get two instead of just one. They love to play.


We bought the food and litter at PetCo or PetSmart.

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We had ferrets before kids...two of them. They used a little box fairly well though occasionally we found "presents" in a corner when they were running loose. We had a two story cage my dh build for them and they only ran loose when we were around. They can be a bit stinky even when "fixed" for that. They have to be cleaned out frequently.


Overall we loved having them. They are so fun to watch especially when they do that little sideways run they do when playing. If you are getting an older one just find out how likely to bite he might be. We had one that we raised from a baby. He didn't bite at all but the second one we got learned most of his socialization from playing with the first and he tended to bite in a friendly playful way though it still hurt.

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I had them when I was younger.

They are sweet, and fun, and loving.


They poop in every corner of your house. They have litter boxes (they are FUN to play in).

The definition of corner is a 90 degree angle. So the dresser against the wall= corner, under the dresser where the legs are=corner.


I would get another one if they didn't poop everywhere.


The only ones I have seen that do not poop all over the house live in cages. They are sort of sad in cages.

They are such fun, loving animals they sort of deserve the run of the house like a cat. Mine used to sleep with me, and cuddle in my arms all night long. He would wait for me to come home and would run up and greet me as soon as I come in the door.

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Thank you. This ferret comes with a custom cage, food, litter box and other ferret stuff. I am unsure, it depends on how well he explains his reasons. We already have 3 dogs. He would like this to be his classroom pet. I would not let it be free roaming for its safety. We would definately play with it and keep it away from the dogs.

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Ferrets are so much fun! I always get the giggles watching them play and explore. They do have a musty odor and some will leave presents around the house if not fully trained. Some also chew cords and can get into the furniture and chew it from the inside out. When my friends had several they did need bathing every so often too. I'd love one but hubby says no way, our zoo is big enough.

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I used to have one. They're cute but honestly I just can't stand the smell. They got to the bathroom what seems like nonstop and if you don't want to clean up after them literally SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, it just stinks. I really got sick of it. If you believe that your kids will do this and not eventually get tired of it and leave you to have to do it (or that you won't mind doing it), then they ARE adorable, funny, friendly creatures.

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