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Why should I NOT Buy Latin in the Christian Trivium?


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My highschoolers used this several years. My dd did Books 1 and 2 and my son did Books 1 and 2 and the beginning of book 3. It was their favorite latin curr. but, to be perfectly honest, they used it independently and I didn't get too involved :) One year after most of Book 1 they decided they wanted to try something different so they did Cambridge for a while but then begged to go back to LiCT. It was very well-organized and they were able to work very independently on it which was a good fit for us as I didn't have the time to keep up with them.


I met the author at a homeschool conference and really enjoyed talking to her and the time she took to interact with my kids. That's always a big selling point for me with any curriculum.


I know I'm not much help but at least I can bump it up for you.

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They both started it at the middle/end of 8th grade.


It would probably just take you longer per chapter because she does pack a lot of information and work into each chapter. There is lots of practice between the study sheets and the drill sheets and that doesn't even include the exercises. I think my kids were taking between two and three weeks on each chapter.

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They both started it at the middle/end of 8th grade.


It would probably just take you longer per chapter because she does pack a lot of information and work into each chapter. There is lots of practice between the study sheets and the drill sheets and that doesn't even include the exercises. I think my kids were taking between two and three weeks on each chapter.


Thanks! Did you use the teacher's manual? Is it necessary or superfluous?

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Thanks! Did you use the teacher's manual? Is it necessary or superfluous?


Necessary - at least it was for me (LOL). All the answers are in there. Plus she has a few scheduling tips. That was one downside of the program - because of the extra book (Drill and Study Sheet) the scheduling wasn't completely clear so I used the TM constantly to make sure I was giving assignments in the proper order.

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Are you good with Latin basics? If you learn with singing, I'm thinking we'll like Latin Songs. It has classical and ecclesiastical pronunciations :) (It could go with any program)


Thank you! I didn't know about that resource. In the past, I greatly relied upon chanting. I found it to be an indispensable method for ALL learning types.

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  • 2 years later...

I used this to teach a class at a co-op years ago. It is very rarely used, from what I can tell, which may explain the few responses. I needed something for junior high students with no previous Latin exposure, and there wasn't much out there back then between elementary and high school programs.They asked me to tweak Latina Christiana I and II to fit, but I had done that before and it never worked well with junior high students.


Anyway, I found a lot of errors, which drove me crazy, but was okay because I knew Latin. For a student learning independently or a teacher who didn't know Latin, it would be bad. I never used it again, and remember not caring for it for other reasons, too, but I will have to look at it again to remember specifics. I can dig it out and look through it again and post when I get home. I have it in my for-sale stuff and try each year, but no one ever buys Latin programs around here. :D

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I used this to teach a class at a co-op years ago. It is very rarely used, from what I can tell, which may explain the few responses. I needed something for junior high students with no previous Latin exposure, and there wasn't much out there back then between elementary and high school programs.They asked me to tweak Latina Christiana I and II to fit, but I had done that before and it never worked well with junior high students.


Anyway, I found a lot of errors, which drove me crazy, but was okay because I knew Latin. For a student learning independently or a teacher who didn't know Latin, it would be bad. I never used it again, and remember not caring for it for other reasons, too, but I will have to look at it again to remember specifics. I can dig it out and look through it again and post when I get home. I have it in my for-sale stuff and try each year, but no one ever buys Latin programs around here. :D



That's exactly the place I find myself-- I'll have an eighth grader who will be taking Latin for the first time in the fall and despite taking some college Latin, I don't remember any of it.  What would you suggest instead?




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  • 9 months later...

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