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Sigh, what would you do now? (keep on working or not?)

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I know it's the February/March doldrums, but this is still annoying me. For the last week or so, we simply have not been getting our "daily minimum" completed in terms of schoolwork. Normally, our "daily minimum" is completed by about lunch time, and then we'll do history, science, projects or what have you. We usually school until about 2-ish or 3.


Anyway, it's 1:30 now and here's what we've done: Math (older still has a few problems remaining: assigned as homework), listened to Treasure Island (started this last night and we couldn't resist), silent reading for 1 1/2 hours, boys watched part two of The Civil War (I slept poorly and napped for 30 minutes :blush:). Younger also began planning his balsa bridge for competition (found ideas online, worked on a software program version of the model). So basically today we did more "afternoon" stuff in the morning, and I feel spent. If this was just a one day thing, so be it, but this happened a lot last week also.


I want the boys to finish Latin and Writing before we go to the gym for me to exercise, but I am just feeling tuckered out. It's only Monday!!!

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It's only Monday! You've got the rest of the week... :tongue_smilie:. If you had a bad sleep and are just spent, I wouldn't try to force it. I would just go on with life today, try to get a better sleep tonight and ramp it up tomorrow.


ETA: Maybe it's time to call for a 2 or 3 day "vacation" so everyone has time to decompress. It's one of the great joys of homeschooling...flexibility!

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I understand your frustration, we often have days like that, and I always get quite stressed trying to catch up. During the February doldrums I realised that all my getting worked up and anxious was making school hard work and boring, and so for the past week or so I've tried to relax, have fun and take a broader perspective.


You have got most of the basics done; it's not as though you've achieved nothing; and it also sounds as though it was all quite relaxed and pleasant, that definitely counts for something, don't you think?


I've actually found that my more relaxed routine over the past week or so has resulted in my having more energy generally, and we've definitely had much more fun.




(For one awful moment when I read your title I thought something had gone wrong with your house purchase :eek:)

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Agreeing with the others. Trying to force school seems to make things worse in our house. Try and focus on what you HAVE achieved, which is a lot in many people's households.


It sounds like you are tired. Maybe it would help your mental state to actually 'decide' to have school-lite for a couple of days, rather than just watching it happen. Make some kites, or catch insects or something and call it done! (We had to do that last week).


I do think these things come in waves: just hang on for the next bout of productivity.

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ETA: Maybe it's time to call for a 2 or 3 day "vacation" so everyone has time to decompress. It's one of the great joys of homeschooling...flexibility!


Well, see...we had that from Monday to Wednesday of last week: I sent the boys to Spring YMCA camp from 9 to 1 pm......:001_huh:

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(For one awful moment when I read your title I thought something had gone wrong with your house purchase :eek:)


Ack don't scare me!!!! LOL. That too has been tiring me out--DH has been traveling for 8 days and I've been dealing with the house dealings alone...

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On days like that, I simply assign was wasn't done as "homework." We do a quick swipe at the missed work after dinner. Sometimes, we get a lot done; sometimes not as much. Regardless, we end up not as behind as we would have been otherwise. And, for some reason, my kids really dig having "homework." :confused:

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So it is going on 2:00 here and we have done NOTHING. I did not plan on a spring break today. But everyone else is having one, and the kids were productive this morning, working on their music practice and reading, so I just didn't make them stop. I on the other hand accomplished nothing but a few dishes and internet time. I should have at least cleaned closets :tongue_smilie:


Hope that makes you feel better. We are pulling out the math books now and at least hope to get that and some English completed today.


Everything is on spring break this week. We have no scouts and no co-op and we already planned on Wed. off this week to visit the zoo with friends who are on spring break, so I am trying not to sweat it.


We worked like dogs through Feb. and early March though. I mean really stuck to the schedule and got things done. I guess we deserve a morning off. (and you got quite a bit done today btw..)

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