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Could it be mono?

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I know I'm new here, but I've lurked the boards for years now and I thought maybe someone had some advice, I know there are nurses/doctors on this board.


My 14 year old daughter has been under the weather for about 2 weeks now but it has gotten worse so I took her to the doctors today.They said she had a sinus infection. She has a runy nose, is congested, sore throat, wheezing, extremely tired and sore. After we got home she said that her stomache (under her ribs) has been hurts really badly. She's not one who complains about pain at all. She even asked to stay home from dance because she didn't feel good. I got thinking about it and I think it's more than I sinus infection. So I started researching and she has many symptoms of Mono. One of her best friends had it a couple weeks ago (of course I didn't think about this before the doctors!)


I don't know if it could be mono? Should I take dd back to the doctors tomorrow or wait it out until she's on antibotics for awhile and see if she gets better? :bigear:

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Since you just went to the doctor today, I might wait just to see what happens over the week-end. However, I would call the doctor's office and tell them that you just found out that one of her friends currently has mono and ask them if you should come back for a test today or tomorrow. They may want you to come back in.

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I would get the test sooner rather then later.


If the antibiotics are penicillin based she could end up with hives. Something about mono and penicillan creates an allergy.


This personal experience so please someone correct me if I am wrong!

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I would get the test sooner rather then later.


If the antibiotics are penicillin based she could end up with hives. Something about mono and penicillan creates an allergy.


This personal experience so please someone correct me if I am wrong!


A friend of mine told me that a certain type of antibiotic makes the symptoms of mono worse. Her daughter was diagnosed with a sinus infection and two days later was worse. When they went back, the doctor told them that the specific type of antibiotic worsens symptoms.


(I wanted to say that earlier but I felt silly since I wasn't sure if it was true!)

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A friend of mine told me that a certain type of antibiotic makes the symptoms of mono worse. Her daughter was diagnosed with a sinus infection and two days later was worse. When they went back, the doctor told them that the specific type of antibiotic worsens symptoms.


(I wanted to say that earlier but I felt silly since I wasn't sure if it was true!)


Yes, when I had mono and the doc thought it was strep I got worse after taking the antibiotics. Take her back tomorrow, because there are precautions like no sports and no rough housing that the doc will fill you in on to keep her safe while she gets over this. It took me a month to feel better.

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