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Alone. Again. Sigh.

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Dh has just left with his team for the third weekend out of the last four to curl in a bonspiel this weekend.


Our curling club was destroyed by two 19 year old arsonists in December so all curling must be done on elsewhere this year until our little club is rebuilt. This means that in order for dh to get to do what he loves he must go away for long weekends. He's been gone about 8 weekends out of the last 12 and it's wearing on me.


He loves curling, and I don't want to stand in his way, so I've been trying to keep up a brave face, despite him missing Molly's big swim meets (she had to qualify for them, so they were kind of a big deal) and a couple of other important family events. I know he feels badly about missing them too, but is kind of caught in the middle because he's on the Board of Directors of our club and at each bonspiel the other teams present make big donations to our rebuilding fund, so he feels like our club needs to have a presence there to accept donations graciously and with gratitude. If it were not for the tragic loss of our club he would not be on the road this much.


I know that compared to what many people endure it's not much. He's not deployed, and he doesn't often travel for work. And I"m not left home with many children to keep track of, transport, feed, educate and entertain; there's just our sweet Molly who is so helpful and fun. So I really have nothing to complain about. I don't. I know that.


But, well, we've been together since we were 17 and even now that we have been married for almost 20 years and are in our 40's, we're just really not very good at being apart. :crying:


Pity party over--- time to suck it up, buttercup.



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Can you lift your spirits and perhaps Molly's by plotting various "top secret" projects to accomplish while your dh is away?


Things like redecorating/repainting a small room, getting his favorite chair redone, sprucing up his parking area, cleaning out a large part of the garage, etc? Maybe taking the time for an intensive cooking/baking session so that he could come home to an incredible abundance of favorite or new treats?


Maybe you could start the planning process while he is still home to add a bit of covert spice and anticipation for the females in your family. Possibly even pack intriguing and obscure clues in his luggage to keep him wondering what you are up to while he is away? HTH

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