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Horizons Math


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Just wondering if anyone here uses it? I just got my catalog yesterday and saw that Algebra 1 has come out. Are they planning on making all grade levels?


My oldest still does not like CLE math , yet she needs the review. I think that its the fact its 'boring' looking to her. She's a kid that needs color and bells and whistles to learn, sadly.


I hate switching math programs but she just hates it with a passion so I don't want to push it anymore with her.She had this same reaction to Saxon math as well. Won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I on the other hand like CLE for Math. :lol:

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I love Horizons math, but I have not gotten up to Algebra level yet.


I think Horizons is an excellent program. However, there is a good amount of drill work and speed drills as prescribed by the TM. Daily drilling can get tedious even though I think it is extremely important to do. The practice workbook pages are colorful, but they are challenging and contain many review problems. If your child didn't like Saxon or CLE, Horizons may not get a much different reaction.

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We used CLE for 2nd and 3rd then switched to Horizons for 4th. My dd had the same complaint - CLE was dull and she liked how colorful Horizons is. Getting used to how Horizons explains things vs CLE has been an adjustment, and I really only use the TM for grading (it doesn't seem to explain processes well to the teacher), but overall, I like its spiral approach to math. We're using again next year for 5th.

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We've used it for K, 1st, 2nd, and are finishing up 3rd in the next month. We will continue to use it as it is working and my son likes the colorful pages. I would agree that there are too many practice prolems, but we just cross out what I feel isn't needed. If my kids have mastered something I will onlly make them do 2-3 of the problems instaed of the 15 or so that are on the page. We love how it is spiraled because it keeps things fresh in their minds. I would disagree on the TM though. I have found it useful for many reasons but then I am not a "mathy" person. Even though there isn't detailed descriptions for some things that need more explaining, many times there are activities listed that help to teach the understanding to the kiddos Many people say the TM aren't needed but I think it is what makes it a complete math program. If you are a person that can think up ways to show your child something with manipulatives on your own or know how to make it click without help and can figure out all the answers quickly then you may not need it. However it teahes you when to do drills, skip counting games and other things to.


Sorry to ramble :) We love Horizons! I am so excited to see that there is pre algebra and algebra 1 now!

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I'm finding that I really can't make her happy when it comes to math. I had used BJU with her for some time but after we hit grade 6 she just didnt' want anything to do with it.

She did Saxon math last year at a private school and hated every moment of it, but I think it had to do with the layout because once I by something 'colorful' for her she learns.


Hence, I was using CLE for LA and she HATED that, switched her to Ace and she's doing just fine now. So I was thinking its the bells and whistles for this kid.

My other three are not like this at all. They could care less, but for some reason my 14 yr old needs that.

I think we'll give Horizons a try. I mean really , what's going to happen?? She'll hate it too? LOL

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I"ll admit to being a math flipper. It's been really tough to find a math program that worked for my middle kids. I switched them midyear to Horizons. They both *love* it. It does have a lot of extra drill, but I solve that problem by doing 2 lessons a day, and only having my dd do half of each lesson (it's the only way I will be able to make it through the 2 fourth grade books by the end of the the summer). I'm planning on sticking with it through Algebra.

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Horizons has worked really well here, we used levels 1-6 (my 2nd child is now finishing up level 6). Pre-algebra wasn't available when my oldest needed to move on, so I don't have experience with that. The color, variety, review, jokes, verses, and so on really held my kids' attention.


Many people say the TM aren't needed but I think it is what makes it a complete math program. If you are a person that can think up ways to show your child something with manipulatives on your own or know how to make it click without help and can figure out all the answers quickly then you may not need it. However it teahes you when to do drills, skip counting games and other things to.


Why I say that--Whenever I needed help, the TMs never had what I needed. They never gave examples of things my kids were struggling with, didn't have teaching ideas for the things we questioned on the worksheets (mainly had extra ideas to add on), and so forth. I always had to come up with ideas on my own or ask online. Thankfully I enjoyed that part though! I didn't find the TMs helpful or useful at all, though I agree it's true that they teach you when to drill and so on. Occasionally there is a topic that appears first in the TM, and if you didn't see it there, your child might be surprised (and/or upset) by it in the book. This is especially true in level 2 with skip-counting/multiplication. Overall though, for me they were mainly useful as answer keys when it started being quicker to get up and go get the book than solve all of the problems myself, LOL!


Levels 4-6 have instructions right in the student text though, which we did find very useful/helpful.


Merry :-)

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I've used it through 6th with 2 kids and I have one more on gr 2. I think it's fabulous and I highly recommend Horizons. I supplement with living math books and others (Challenge Math and Life of Fred), but that's not because Horizons is lacking as much as I believe in using a variety of resources.


We all like the amount of review (not too heavy, but it reinforces concepts). It has a good pace.

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