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I need a desk for my son! Ideas?


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My son needs a desk or a table his height. His handwriting is atrocious and this is the year that it gets in control! Out of 6 kids, my youngest is my first lefty and his handwriting is really, really bad. I need to focus on it.


Ideas on where to find an inexpensive desk? He is in 3rd grade, rather on the short side and could use a desk his height for about 3 years or so until the kitchen table is a proper height for him.


Pictures of what you are using?


Thank you!

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I love this desk we got from IKEA. It has a drawer that is the full width of the desk. This is the actual desk. We were also able to buy the attachment that is one top. It has a shelf and a magnetic white board across the back. It has a hole for computer wires, but I put in a cup for holding pencils and such.

Edited by mom31257
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We got old school desks from craigslist, but then I discovered Stokke (also off craigslist) and got rid of all the desks.


The Stokke's can be used at any table. Both the seat and the footrest can be adjusted independently to get a perfect fit. We could all work at the same table, and it freed up a lot of space getting rid of those old school desks.

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We've used a couple of extra big TV tray-type tables kind of like this: http://www.target.com/p/Table-Mate-II/-/A-734851#?lnk=sc_qi_detailbutton.


Ours are a different brand and slightly different style, but these are similar. The height is adjustable, the small lip around the edge keeps pencils from rolling off, and the surface can be set to tilt a bit or be flat depending on your preference. They've worked out really well. And they don't cost much. :)

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Wow. Thank you for the advice!


I'm going out tomorrow to see if the Target (an hour away) store has one of those portable tables.


And I'm going to start saving my money for 1 or 2 of those Stokke chairs -- love those!! Perfect! I have 3 grandbabies that often come visit, and one highchair and a booster seat is never enough. Those Stokke chairs are really impressive. :D


I guess I have a great reason now to get going on that tax return I keep putting off . . .

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Oh, I forgot to mention that before getting school desks, we got a EuroChair II from One Step Ahead. It's much cheaper than the Stokkes and doesn't stick out the back (no tripping). We've really liked this chair. My son used it at the kitchen table, and then when we got the school desks, I started using the chair as DS3's seat at the dining room table. It looks nice with the other dining room chairs and isn't overly weird looking. :)

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I got a Carolina kid table and chairs at the Pottery Barn outlet. I got them when they have an additional 20% to the outlet price. My son who is 3.5 yr. is growing into it now. My friend's kids are using it up to age 8. It is a nice "library" style table with plenty of room. You can find them on Craigslist from time to time if you don't live near a Pottery Barn outlet.

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Just a tip on those stokke chairs. I got one that's just as good by another company from amazon, and it's $139 instead of the $250 Stokke's go for. It's called a Keekaroo right height chair. My youngest is 6.5 and is SHORT, He loves his Keekaroo and I love that in a pinch it works awesome as a step ladder.



Here's a link to the Keekaroo

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If you're interested in Stokke's, be sure to stalk craigslist. I got 4 for between $25 and $90, all in the color I wanted (natural), and all in excellent condition. It took about 4 months, but, at those prices, it was worth the trouble of checking craigslist a few times a day.


We haven't had any instances of tripping over them.

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I got really lucky and was able to get a couple from our local kids' consignment shop. If you have anything like that where you are I would look there. I always get great stuff from ours. You have to check often though because good stuff goes fast.

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I got ours at IKEA. This is a poor picture (my camera broke just before I took this pic) but you can see the setup at least.


I am still trying to decide what kind of chair to get him...likely also from IKEA unless I happen to find it on Craigslist or somewhere cheaper...for now he just uses a random chair we had sitting around.


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