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What's after FLL?


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My 4th grade daughter will be finishing First Language Lessons Level 4 very soon. Does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations on where to go from here? I'm a bit overwhelmed and dont know where to start. Thanks for your wisdom!

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My dc only did FLL up to level 2. We then continued with Rod and Staff. I love the results that I see in my dc. Their grammar is very strong, but we needed another writing program since there was not enough writing in R&S. We are now in R&S 8.



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They're all textbooks; the "workbook" that comes with it is just extra drill on some of the lessons. The lesson is taught in the student's textbook, but there's also scripted plans for teaching it in the teacher's edition, as well as oral review of old concepts, as well as a reduced image of the student's page and full answers.


Just jumping in with an extra question about Rod and Staff (sorry): Could someone manage the year with just the student text if they could live without the scripted plans and answer keys?

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Just jumping in with an extra question about Rod and Staff (sorry): Could someone manage the year with just the student text if they could live without the scripted plans and answer keys?


Assuming you mean the lowest levels (judging by the ages in your signature), you'd probably be fine. By the time they're fluently reading their own text, you're likely to want your own copy, whether you need the answers or not. It just simplifies getting the lesson done in my experience.

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