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do you prefer your washer and dryer upstairs, main level or basement

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Mine is just off the kitchen (door to the laundry room is next to the fridge,) and it is the best. thing. ever! It was one of the selling points for me. :D At our old house it was in the basement, and I hated, hated, hated that. I wouldn't want it upstairs wtih the bedrooms, because we're not up there during the day.

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Ours is on the second floor and on the whole I love it. We have a shelf with baskets mounted in the laundry closet. The kids undress in the evening and sort their dirty clothes in the appropriate baskets. When i undress at night, it's easy for me to see what load needs to be done next. I typically start a load first thing in the morning and then it's ready for the drier by the time we're through with breakfast. The kids are sponsible for sorting, folding and putting away their own clothes. We typically wait and do this once or twice a week.


I did have a hose burst on me once and it was 15-20 minutes before I realized and shut the water main off. It was a mess and there was damage on all three floors, but insurance covered it and it wasn't any worse than a leaking shower or toilet on an upper level. In fact, since it was clean water coming in, it wasn't as complicated as dirty water going out.

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Our laundry closet is on the upper floor, where all the bedrooms are and therefore where 90% of the laundry is generated and stored. It would make no sense for me to have it on the main level of the house, where only table linens and kitchen towels are used.


We have had some issues with leaking with unbalanced loads . . . but that's why we have a tiled, angled floor with a drain in the laundry closet. Never any damage; never had to do more than push a little wetness around with a towel.

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I want a washer with two dryers, so I can roll on thru the laundry. I always wanted the laundry on the top floor, to not have to carry up and down, but, now, I think I like it on the mail floor, so I can work on it, while doing other things. I think I'd be running up and down the stairs to start and stop the laundry otherwise. I like sitting in front of the TV to fold, though. I get the sofa piled so high with laundry. I even iron stuff when I have something I watch on TV, guilty payoff.


:iagree: I like the idea of not having to haul the clothes everywhere, but in reality, having it on the second floor would be just as much of a pain as in the basement. I get up in the morning, get dressed and I don't see the second floor until bedtime.


Regarding water damage. Our dishwasher hose detached once. It leaked into the basement. My bookshelves were under where the dishwasher was. NOTHING could be as devastating as that!

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I'd also like to add, that after 3 (or was it 4?) rounds of the stomach bugs this winter (it has been LOOOOONGG winter), being able to strip pukey bedding and clothing, throw it directly in the washer, and get it running right then would have done WONDERS for my sanity. Running piles of puke-covered laundry down two flights of stairs (and through three sets of baby gates and two doors) several times a night, then having to run down to retrieve clean crib sheets (because they puked on the 2nd and 3rd sets already) from the drier at 4am... Yeah, that was not fun.


I am incredibly grateful that my 3.5yo seems to have mastered the bucket, however.

Edited by AdventureMoms
There is no B in clothing. Who knew?
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