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My daughter was lost for several hours tonight in the woods, in the dark!

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PTL she is found and okay. She is 16 and a group of 4 of them went horse back riding. Her and a friend got separated from the other two. They thought they knew how to get back but were going the opposite way (deeper into the woods) instead of towards home. After being lost for awhile and it getting darker, they said that they came across a bicyclist who told them they were going the wrong way and how to get back. They said he appeared out of nowhere, told them where to go and then disappeared without making a sound. They believe he was an angel sent from the Lord since they had been praying for help. They said that he gave them goosebumps.


I am really proud of how prepared my daughter was. She had glowsticks and flashing lights to attach to the horses, a blanket, matches, several knives etc. I had no idea that she carried all that with her. She said that they weren't too scared, that they prayed and sang praise songs a lot, and joked about finding grubs to eat if they had to spend the night.


I wasn't worried either! Only because I didn't know they were lost, until after they were found! I would have probably been a basket case.


Just thought I would share their story with everyone!

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Isn't it just awesome how God does that in our time of need/crisis. DD flipped a heavy duty gas engine golf cart and it landed on top of her. Afterwards she was telling what happened and she said that "X" flipped the golf cart off of her once it landed. We told her that "X" was lying down the road. . .he had been thrown from the cart and there was no way it was him that flipped it. She said she saw an arm and a hand reaching under the golf cart to get a grip on it to flip it off her. No one in the golf cart could have possibly done it, and by the time we got to the scene the golf cart was off her. So it was the hand of God that did it.


I'm so glad you told us about this b/c I often stress out about her (she's 18 and moved out now) and when I think of that incident. . .that the Lord saved her life. . .it does give me a peace cause I know that no matter what she does He's ultimately in control. . .and He has big plans for her!!!


Thanks for making me smile!



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