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Winterpromise Hideaways in History


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Is anyone using this? I know it's new, but I was just wondering if anyone had any comments/pros/cons on it. I'm looking at using it for history only with my K & 1st grader. I wouldn't use any of the Bible, Science, or language. I'll use other things for those subjects. I already have SOTW, and I was planning to use biblioplan with it. However, I think my boys would really like the activities in HIH. Any advice?



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Thanks Jennifer! That's exactly what I'd like to do. I want to follow SOTW & the 4 yr history rotation, but add in some of the fun activities from Hideaways. I think I would still use Biblioplan & just add the fun stuff from HIH. I just wonder if it's worth the $$ to buy the IG or if the activities are in the add on books.

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I have HIH and plan to start in September. I think we'll take 18 months to go through it adding in extra books, coloring and mapwork from the SOTW AG. Trying to do it in 9 months would be way too much for most families, IMHO.


The IG schedules SOTW in order by civilization and indicates when to do the extra activities in the other books (On the Spot History and Creating Clever Castles and Cars). The activities are a little easier and younger than the SOTW activities. The MYO pages are very well done! They're much better than the pages for Animal Worlds and American Story.


The science, workbooks and bible included in HIH are just tacked on to the program and you can easily eliminate them or use them if you like. I'm not planning on using them.

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Is anyone using this? I know it's new, but I was just wondering if anyone had any comments/pros/cons on it.


The IG came in the mail today. I'm particularly impressed with:


- the list of supplies to have on hand is detailed, specific and helpful (as always with WP)

- the long list of narration ideas are specifically geared towards little kids

- the website recommendations

- the teaching sheets in the back of the IG (maps! wahoo!)


I recommend purchasing just the IG and the notebooking pages. Check out Clever Castles from your library before deciding whether or not to purchase it.

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I thought I might add that some of the "hideaways" are only in the IG, so you definitely need it. I am getting the clever cars book at the library and making copies, I am only using it for SOTW 1&2, then switching to American history, though I am sure some of the "hideaways" and activities apply to America as well. On the spot history fun looks great. I don't want to miss it.


There is a reader set as well ($85). I am guessing it is for first grade. It is brand new with no information, only an announcement.


HTH a little

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I'll just jump in here on the tail end of this conversation. I do have the IG, the notebooking pages and the On the spot history book (so basically all the WP exclusives).


The notebooking pages are great- I am really pleased with them and think they are perfect for my 2nd son. The IG is definitely helpful and has some great ideas. The On the spot history book is "ok" - it has some neat projects but it's not worth $27 IMO.


I am finishing up SOTW 1 and moving into SOTW 2 this year and am adding in the WP stuff since I've got littles sitting in.


I think doing HIH as written in 36 weeks with 5 and 6 year old kids would be seriously intense (you read through almost all of SOTW 1, 2, 3, and 4) and would be lacking in the fun picture books that are available for that age group. JMHO

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