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If we are LOVING the book Because of Winn Dixie...


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What should we read next? Seriously, we started this today, and dd hasn't let me stop!!! I think I read half the book already! :001_smile: I'm enjoying it too, which is nice for a change lol. She also started listening to Black Beauty this morning on Librivox, and she loves that as well. She listened to nine chapters of that. ;)

I would really love some recommendations for favorites you think she'd like!! Thanks!:D

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The Tale of Desperaux was much enjoyed here. Ariel likes almost any kind of animal stories. Favorites have been Dr. Doolittle, Black Beauty, King of the Wind and other Marguerite Henry books, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Witches (Dahl), Little House in the Big Woods or Farmer Boy. The Cricket in Times Square and Stuart Little are on our list, but we haven't started reading them yet. I'm hoping she'll be able to read them soon.

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Well, I asked dd (who also adored Winn Dixie) what else she has loved that was similar. She said she couldn't think of anything similar, it was so unique and that was why she loved it! But some other things she has adored since she read it include:


Tuck Everlasting

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

The View from Saturday

From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler

Betsy-Tacy (and the rest of that series)

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THank you both! Yes, we have read a TON of Dahl books, she loves them as well. I always thought they were kind of...I don't know, dark? But she really enjoys them, so we've read I think 9-10 of them so far.

I'm pretty sure I have the Tale of Desperaux (sp?) so I'll have to find it and try that one next!


Rroberts707-Thanks for asking your daughter, those are great recommendations!

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