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School planning a la The Fly Lady

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I love the Fly Lady and her methods have helped me get my house somewhat under control. I'm wondering if anyone has created a "control journal" for your homeschool planning. I would like to come up with a daily/weekly/monthly to do list for each subject; not the assignments, but a check-list to get me through the planning process. If you have started such a system and would like to share any details, I would love it!




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Well Rene,


It seems like we are the only two interested! You inspired me to put together something a la Fly Lady, so here is my best shot. I would LOVE any comments and pointers. Please bear in mind that this was scrambled together while doing dishes, and wiping up spilled water, and commanding bedtime routine. :) Also, I teach three preschoolers. While I did try to take into account a different work day with "real" school, this is influenced by my day-to-day needs.


Hopefully, this link will work. I set up an Adobe account for the first time too...


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Sounds interesting, but really complicated. I don't have folders for each child for each subject! What the heck goes in them?


I just pencil in my planner with what we did today (I add the page or lesson numbers) and what I might like to do tomorrow. If I wrote it yesterday to try to do today and I actually did it I check it off. If not, I line through it. I might reschedule it. I don't plan ahead more than a day or two, but I do have a general overview of the year (broken down by seasons since we go all year) written down on one page (in pencil, 'cause it changes).


I write any grades for quizzes or tests right next to the entry to do them or the entry that we did them. I try to write them in red pencil so they stand out, but sometimes the red pencil is just not available. :glare: Until I get to grading them I just stick the papers in a pocket in my planner. I usually get to them the same day or the next day. I also write the books they are reading right into the entry for that day. I've found that blank journals are great and have plenty of room in them for these kind of entries.


I have post-its in my planner with cool websites and things to check out and I either put them on a page that goes with a date I think I might use them or I put them all together on their own page. Sometimes I try to color code these, but that fell through because I usually couldn't find the sticky notepad with the right color when I needed it. :tongue_smilie:


I can't imagine what I would put in an entire folder for one subject. I don't print things out until the day I actually use them (because I have a ton of things printed out that I never ended up using, so it just saves me time and ink to NOT print until I'm going to use it) so no worksheets or things to save. I have to keep a portfolio (I'm in PA) but that is a box for each kid and work that looks good and is on a loose sheet of paper just gets tossed in there until I put the portfolio together.


I have a bookshelf specifically for the books and things we are currently using. That helps. Books and things we aren't currently using go on a different bookshelf. This way if I can't find dd's math book at least I know what shelf to look on (and it is usually right in front of me anyway).


I did make up daily checklists for each child, but they were general (just listed the subject) and the same for every day except Friday. So we ended up taping them to the door of the frig (we school in the kitchen). I suppose I could laminate them and check things off (usually do-the-next-thing type stuff) with a dry erase marker.....but my two year old grandson has a thing for sucking the juice out of stray dry erase markers so this has been a problem over the last month or so. I'm so glad they are nontoxic!


Anyway, the kids aren't really that independent yet that they would just keep going without me around to check up on them. So I do know what they are doing. We go in the order on the checklists I made, but I made the checklists to go with the order we do things in anyway. I have to make sure one subject is done before they are allowed to move on to the next one on the list. Another way I know what they are doing, I guess.


I like taking the time to put everything away neatly at the end of the day. It sure is easier to get dinner out on time if the table isn't covered!


I can't offer any suggestions to help, other than I really like the 'getting up before them and getting yourself going first' thing. Maybe I would add 'get up and read the WTM forums first so you aren't distracted by an interesting post when you are supposed to be teaching math'.


Good luck!

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Thanks everyone - I posted this and then totally spaced out on this topic! I think I'm just completely overwhelmed trying to finish this year, plan for next, etc. I love the suggestions, they are a big help. MusicMama, I was able to print your list and this is a great start for me. I really appreciate it!




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