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Questions for those that walk in the mornings

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What time do you get up?

What time do you walk?

Do your kids walk with you?

What time do you start school?

Breakfast & chores before or after walk?


We will be moving back to the beach around Christmas I think. I really want to walk along the beach every day so I'd like to start by getting in the habit of daily walks now. Problem is I just can't work out how to fit it in my morning. Hoping you might have some bright ideas for me.

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In the summer months (about Sept to April) I walk for 30 - 45min before dh leaves for work. Over the weekend I do a longer early morning walk.


In the winter the intention is that I walk in the evening when dh gets home from work, but before it is dark. The winter routine is a lot less consistent and predictable than the summer months.

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We're pretty relaxed over here. It varies for us. I get up early, my 6 y/o son usually wakes up by 8 or 8:30, and I usually wake my 11 y/o daughter up by 9ish. They'll get ready and have breakfast (sometimes with a read aloud), and then if it's mild enough, which it has been lately, we've been going for a walk. When we get back, we hang out with daddy for a bit before he goes to work, and then we start school.


Other times, we don't go for our walk until after lunch/after daddy's left for work, as by then it's had more of a chance to warm up outside.


We've been walking on this paved walking and bike path that runs in the middle of a wooded nature area. They've got signs identifying different plants and trees, and we bring unsalted peanuts and the kids stop and feed the squirrels for a while, we bring some dog biscuits and when we pass people walking their dogs they will sometimes ask to pet the dogs and will then ask if it's okay to offer a treat. We walk about a mile and a half, and get to do the fresh air, nature, and socializing thing, it's been nice. :)


We don't have a strict chore routine or schedule (other than the litterbox has to get cleaned immediately in the morning), we just sort of all pitch in and do things as needed/requested and as we can fit them in. We just kind of make everything work! :)

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Living in sourh Florida, it is hard not to get out every morning. The weather is perfect all year. Kids must go. Sometimes we walk on the beach. Otherwise, we will bike, rollerblade, or scooter around the neighborhood. We back up to a nature preserve so seeing a bunch of animals every day is common. It takes about an hour and we call it P.E. It gets recorded just like the other subjects.

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When my children were young, we did it "in the morning." When in the morning depended on the season. And regardless, it was usually after SOME schoolwork.


A few years ago, I had my friend's 1st grader while my kids were teens. I started school with Goo about 8:30. He had to get X and Y done schoolwise. Many times that took 45 minutes (he could do the work in 25 minutes on a super good day, but sometimes took an hour and a half). Our walk was AWESOME and was great incentive to get the work done in a timely fashion though.


Yes, the kids and dogs came. They'd run ahead and then run back to me giving a little considerably more exercise than I got which was SO necessary at the time. They often had wheels as well as cups to catch minnows or whatever. We brought home caterpillars and various flowers. During the stormy couple weeks (north Texas), we'd set off paper boats by the house and wonder if they'd make it to the end by the time we did (never happened...they always get stuck on something). So it wasn't JUST exercise, but...


Anyway, now that I'm back to normal after surgery a week and a half ago and the weather is so nice (70s all week forecasted), I'm looking forward to some walking. And I have three littles who need it!

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My alarm goes off at 5 am, I'm usually out the door at 5:15.

I have a head lamp and weather appropriate attire.


My dc do not come with me. In addition to exercise I do a lot of thinking. Also, they would not walk at the speed I walk and they would not like that I stop and do squats, lunges, push ups, etc. I am physically active with the kids other times of the day, but I have found that I must keep my own fitness time.


My dc go to public school now, but when they were all home we started at 8:30. That was time to do breakfast, shower and dress, even look at the morning paper at a nonrushed pace. Now, two of my dc leave the house before 7:30 and the other about 8:15. I have two part time jobs that fill all the hours my youngest is in school, so I need to exercise on my own before everyone starts the day because I know that I won't fit it in once I pick up my youngest after school. The same was true when I homeschooled. If I did not get in exercise before we started our homeschool day, I did not get in exercise at all.


I often throw in a load of laundry before my walk and get it into the dryer when I return. I make breakfast and do other chores after my walk.

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