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If you remember how much your hospital birth costs

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How much was it? We've always been covered 100%, this time we're going to have to pay 10%. I have no idea how much that is. I was able to servh and find one local hospital give an averagr cost of 10,000. But that doesn't include the doc or pediatrician or anyone else, just hospital fees. I'd like to have some idea of what to expect.

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You need to find out what your insurance reimburses the hospital, doctor and if used, anesthesiologist. That's your number to go with since what they all will bill out is much higher than what your insurance will pay, and you're responsible for 10% of what your insurance company has negotiated as its reimbursement rate. Your OB's office finance person should know these numbers, with some certainty, since they bill insurance all the time and unless you have a policy they've never submitted a claim (unlikely), they'll know what to expect and what the hospital reimbursement rates are too.


More than likely, with a vaginal birth, your doctor will be reimbursed, for all of your care, including your prenatal visits, delivery, and post-partum follow-up about $2,500-3,500. That's about standard these days.


The hospital will likely be reimbursed a rate of $3,000-5,000 for a vaginal delivery with a three day stay following and the neonatal care provided to your infant.


If you have any pain relief (epidural, etc.) and use the anesthesiologist, that'll add around $500-2,000 to the total, depending on what's done.


The numbers above are what the average reimbursement rates are for an uncomplicated pregnancy; the billing numbers that are submitted are much higher.

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How much was it? We've always been covered 100%, this time we're going to have to pay 10%. I have no idea how much that is. I was able to servh and find one local hospital give an averagr cost of 10,000. But that doesn't include the doc or pediatrician or anyone else, just hospital fees. I'd like to have some idea of what to expect.


Do you have a family deductible? Do you have copays and coinsurance fees? Those things apply to the doctors, so keep that in mind when finding the total. We had one plan where we had to pay $1000 but the doctors got copays and coninsurance in addition to the $1000. It's very confusing.

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Do you have a family deductible? Do you have copays and coinsurance fees? Those things apply to the doctors, so keep that in mind when finding the total. We had one plan where we had to pay $1000 but the doctors got copays and coninsurance in addition to the $1000. It's very confusing.


I'll look this up. I think there are no co-pays, and we'll have met our deductable just 10%. But who knows.

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I think it just depends. I paid cash for my daughter's birth through a program with a hospital in Houston. It was $2500, I believe (of course, it was also 20 years ago). It had to be paid in full by the 7th month. I have no idea for my son as I didn't pay for it.


What I did with my hysterectomy a couple weeks ago was look up the average cost in my area. I would guess you could do similarly with childbirth. However, with that, I did learn that different parts of it cost differently. For example, I had to pre-pay 10% of the surgery center estimated costs (a night there, common expenses, etc), but my surgeon was paid 100% after the deductible was paid so he cost me $17.50! So though my insurance originally told me I had to pay 10% to have a hysterectomy, the individual costs were covered 90-100%.


Hope that helps a little.

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